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Best Eye Drop Menthol Sensation

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  • Best Eye Drop Menthol Sensation

    I've tried every possible eye drop available here. None of them will help me relieve the general disconfort I am now used to.

    Like most of us I feel heavy lids, eyes tired sensation, eyes get easily irritated, some burning from time to time and MENTHOL SENSTATION, this is the most disabling symptom without any doubt since I must look down when walking or close my eyes more time that I should need.

    I use Carboxymethylcellulose Sodium 1% drops, they are very very viscose eyedrops, I put them in my eyes and still they cannot free me from menthol sensation, that is really eyes are flooded by them, I can't even see clearly but STILL I can feel air perforating my eyes.

    Have any of you found an eye drop good for menthol sensation ?

    Thank you

  • #2
    menthol eyes

    The only thing that helps me when I have "menthol eyes" is my pred forte drops. What a relief...

    Good luck.


    • #3
      The menthol sensation is indeed very disabling. Once it starts, nothing can stop it for me. I use Freshkote (I think its called Clinitas in the UK?) or Oasis Plus to delay the menthol sensation from setting in. It delays it for an hour or so. It doesn't help once the sensation starts. There are posts by Rojzen about how regular and long term use of Dwelle pretty much got rid of her menthol sensation.

