I wonder if anyone else has this problem:using a salve at night that seems to make things worse--to me, at least. I have seen 2 corneal specialists before staying with the 2nd one. (Also have a retinal spec, as my R. retina detached 3 times. Vision is down in it, but I am just glad to have the eye! No matter what, I am advised to use either Tears Naturale Free for cleaning in the AM, or go to the baby shampoo diluted to do a lid scrub, then soak with a warm compress in the AM. I am advised to use Celluvisc drops--really thick, hourly, during the day and swap to Refresh PM ointment at night. (I have SLE and Sjogren's, but have been advised not to go with the lupus regime because the other retina is very thin) However, even with the humidifier and a sleep mask, I feel the use of the ointment is not the best idea. It reminds me greatly of frosting on a cake that starts out moist, then sort of hardens into a shell over night. That is not comfortable, helpful, or effective in my opinion. It simply hurts when I open my eyes in the AM. (I have asked about other regimes and been assured this is the best, and really the only appropriate one). And trutfully, I believe the slight crusting on my eyelids is a result of the Celluvisc, nothing more. As soon as I do the AM scrub, my eyes feel better, after the PM scrub, same feeling of relief. I have a homemade rice baggie that does soothe, also.
I have tried sleeping in the Celluvisc alone-more crusting! Lately, I have used the Tears Naturale Free in place of the thick Celluvisc; it does feel better and I have less of a red eye. But the night poses it's own problems as I am sure anyone out there who has felt that stabbing, burning AM feeling. I have a history of 3 corneal ulcers; the last one did a bit of scarring. I had one time with Restasis and it made me feel sick; also I have had shingles in my eyes--treatment was $500.00 that month, so the Restasis is off the table.
I find I must be pro-active. My corneal specialist was unavailable and I was sent to another opthalmologist who was totally unsympathetic, did not do a very complete eye exam, and made the comment that I had certainly seen 'a lot of eye doctors.' He was a real jerk-his office staff quietly confirmed that this was not unusal behavior for him. I did end up asking him if he was "full service' in that he could do it all. I did not ask for meds, simply help!
I am so frustrated and feel as though as I no longer own my eyes! Any suggestions?
I wonder if anyone else has this problem:using a salve at night that seems to make things worse--to me, at least. I have seen 2 corneal specialists before staying with the 2nd one. (Also have a retinal spec, as my R. retina detached 3 times. Vision is down in it, but I am just glad to have the eye! No matter what, I am advised to use either Tears Naturale Free for cleaning in the AM, or go to the baby shampoo diluted to do a lid scrub, then soak with a warm compress in the AM. I am advised to use Celluvisc drops--really thick, hourly, during the day and swap to Refresh PM ointment at night. (I have SLE and Sjogren's, but have been advised not to go with the lupus regime because the other retina is very thin) However, even with the humidifier and a sleep mask, I feel the use of the ointment is not the best idea. It reminds me greatly of frosting on a cake that starts out moist, then sort of hardens into a shell over night. That is not comfortable, helpful, or effective in my opinion. It simply hurts when I open my eyes in the AM. (I have asked about other regimes and been assured this is the best, and really the only appropriate one). And trutfully, I believe the slight crusting on my eyelids is a result of the Celluvisc, nothing more. As soon as I do the AM scrub, my eyes feel better, after the PM scrub, same feeling of relief. I have a homemade rice baggie that does soothe, also.
I have tried sleeping in the Celluvisc alone-more crusting! Lately, I have used the Tears Naturale Free in place of the thick Celluvisc; it does feel better and I have less of a red eye. But the night poses it's own problems as I am sure anyone out there who has felt that stabbing, burning AM feeling. I have a history of 3 corneal ulcers; the last one did a bit of scarring. I had one time with Restasis and it made me feel sick; also I have had shingles in my eyes--treatment was $500.00 that month, so the Restasis is off the table.
I find I must be pro-active. My corneal specialist was unavailable and I was sent to another opthalmologist who was totally unsympathetic, did not do a very complete eye exam, and made the comment that I had certainly seen 'a lot of eye doctors.' He was a real jerk-his office staff quietly confirmed that this was not unusal behavior for him. I did end up asking him if he was "full service' in that he could do it all. I did not ask for meds, simply help!
I am so frustrated and feel as though as I no longer own my eyes! Any suggestions?