Has anyone tried the similasan? I bought the dry eye formula from the health food store, when I saw it contained belladonna I got a bit scared and didn't use it. I've been noticing that my eye lids itch quite a bit, so I was checking out the allergy type eye drops, and all of them have the "get the red out" stuff, and I've alwas heard it is not good to use, as it can cause a rebound effect, well I came across the similasan brand, so I bought it, it stated it's homeopathic, and contained nothing with any known side effects, and so on, it has silver sulfate as a preservative. Just. Curious I have used it a few times, it stated on the label that it may exacerbate your condition initially.
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I have used similasan allergy drops in the past (been a long time though) and had a good experience with it. I would not use an OTC classic pharmaceutical allergy drop for many reasons. Good for you for being alert to the vasoconstrictors so many of them have. I don't think much of the similasan dry eye drop but I liked the allergy one.Rebecca Petris
The Dry Eye Foundation
Thanks Rebecca, I have been using it for a few days now, and one thing I do notice for sure, is that my lids are less irritated, for some reason the other drops just wreck havoc on my lids, they get so bad sometimes the bleedI use the preservative free vials, so not sure where this is coming from, I also find that the Genteal Gel works best for me, as less ends up on my skin. I have so much swelling, my lids, outside and inside are really swollen when my eyes are at their worse. I'm going to continue with it and see if I improve.