Hi all...
Right I have been using new blink intensive plus tear gel before bed for a couple of months and they do really help lubricate my dry eyes.
The concern is I noticed the gel crystallises Or hardens on the nozzle when I checked the bottle the next night...so is it possible that the gel can harden on the lid margins when it fully drys and cause further obstruction the the gland ducts!
I only ask as I have noticed 2 white heads on my upper lid margins ? They are not the usual yellow clear bumps which disappear after a day or so these are more hardened white opaque heads which don't go?
It's usually looks like this especially after a shower:

But now it looks more like this but not as big and protruded:

And definetly like this after expressing?
Should I be concernened about future gland atrophy if I don't pop these plugged Gland ducts? I have a nhs optholomogist appointment soon so should I ask them to squeeze the lids to unplug the blocked ducts or should I try it myself with a cotton bud inserted into the inner lid and use my finger on the outer skin to unblocked the head..you know a bit like popping a zit..lol?
Right I have been using new blink intensive plus tear gel before bed for a couple of months and they do really help lubricate my dry eyes.
The concern is I noticed the gel crystallises Or hardens on the nozzle when I checked the bottle the next night...so is it possible that the gel can harden on the lid margins when it fully drys and cause further obstruction the the gland ducts!
I only ask as I have noticed 2 white heads on my upper lid margins ? They are not the usual yellow clear bumps which disappear after a day or so these are more hardened white opaque heads which don't go?
It's usually looks like this especially after a shower:

But now it looks more like this but not as big and protruded:

And definetly like this after expressing?
Should I be concernened about future gland atrophy if I don't pop these plugged Gland ducts? I have a nhs optholomogist appointment soon so should I ask them to squeeze the lids to unplug the blocked ducts or should I try it myself with a cotton bud inserted into the inner lid and use my finger on the outer skin to unblocked the head..you know a bit like popping a zit..lol?