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GenTeal Gel

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  • GenTeal Gel

    I have found a website that appears to have GenTeal Gel. Unfortunately, it is for a company in Australia, but if they have it and can ship it, it is worth it. The prices look good and shipping doesn't appear to be too bad.

    I put in a order for 6 tubes and will be very interested to see if they actually have it. So far, they haven't told me it is back ordered or out of stock, so I am anxious to see what comes of this.

  • #2
    Will you please advise us?

    Gaye, will you let us know if you get the Genteal Gel? Also how much was shipping if it does come. I have not used Genteal Gel in a long time, but now that it isn't available, I've been hunting for it! I just travelled to another part of my state and I checked at WalMart. Nope.

    I also do my search for "Soothe" at the same time.

    I want some now that I can't find it! I can wait until it's available.
    Don't trust any refractive surgeon with YOUR eyes.

    The Dry Eye Queen


    • #3
      To Lucy re: GenTeal Gel and Soothe

      I just got an email from the company that said they are shipping my order out today. Will be interesting to see how long it takes to get here. The cost per tube was $6.95 Australian Dollars (I ordered 6) and $6.00 for shipping for all tubes. Converted to U.S. dollars, that is about $5.00 per tube and a little less for shipping - definitely a deal (this is for the 10gm size tube too)!

      I see Soothe everywhere around here. If you can't find it and need some, just e-mail me your address and I can send you some.


      • #4

        Gaye, what kind of GenTeal? Is it the Severe one? That's the one I have been looking for, they have plenty of the Mild and Moderate here but no Severe. I have never heard of Soothe. Please send the site you purchased the GenTeal from, if it is Severe kind, as I definitely will order some of it.


        • #5
          To Sue re: GenTeal Gel Severe Dry eye

          The company says they have the Gel (Severe Dry Eye). I have seen the others too everywhere, but not the Gel. They told me that my order has been shipped, so I am waiting to see how long it takes to get it and if I even do. The website is:

          Good Luck!


          • #6
            Just a hunch

            I wonder if GenTeal Gel and Tear Gel are the same thing? Tear Gel is by CibaVision which is part of Novartis Ophthalmics Canada. I did a Google search and while the link isn't very productive (goes to Novartis' Canadian site but doesn't do much once you get there), it seems that GenTeal Gel and Tear Gel are very, very similar:

            Novartis Ophthalmics Canada - Company Info - What's New

            GenTeal Gel contains:. Hypromellose TM, the same effective lubricant used in GenTeal Artificial ... Carbopol 980, the same gelling agent used in Tear-Gel®. ...

            Tear Gel is, obviously, available in Canada.

            "People may not always remember exactly what you said or what you did, but they will always remember how you made them feel." ~ Unknown


            • #7

              I got my shipment from the Austrailian company and the Canadian company who has Tear Gel-- they are the same-- or at least when I have used them they seem to work the same for me!

              I was happy with the service-- the response and the price-- best of luck to everyone-- they seem to have a good supply of both of these outside the US!


              • #8
                I'm a US citizen temporarily living in Auckland, New Zealand and have been looking for a source for GenTeal Gel and found this one:
                Went to an eye doctor here this past week and asked about GenTeal Gel and was told by the doctor that it has been discontinued. Is that true?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by sadie33138
                  Went to an eye doctor here this past week and asked about GenTeal Gel and was told by the doctor that it has been discontinued. Is that true?
                  That's certainly the scuttlebut if not the company line (officially, it is "on back order" and has been for about the last six months). I think most people at this point have drawn the conclusion that it is not coming back.
                  Rebecca Petris
                  The Dry Eye Foundation


                  • #10
                    Genteal Severe Eye Gel?

                    Gaye, did you ever receive the Genteal eye gel from the company in Australia? I looked at the site, and the tube is not the same. The ingredients in it also differ. Please let me know?
                    Judy M.


                    • #11
                      GenTeal Gel

                      I did receive the shipment of GenTeal Gel from the Australian website, but when some of the others went back to try to order it, it was showing no longer avalaible. So I didn't want to get anyones hopes up. But I recently found another site called:


                      They show that they have it in stock, but I am not sure if they will ship to the U.S. It is sure worth a try.

                      Another site that says they have the Gel is :


                      This is another Australian site.

                      The tubes I received show it has all the same ingredients as the U.S. version. Interestingly, it is made in Switzerland.

                      Hope this helps more people.



                      • #12
                        I ordered from Australia...we'll see...

                        Hi - I just placed an order today with the Australian website that Gaye used. It didn't say it was out of stock so...I guess I wait. I also emailed them ahead of time to check on the shipping and they didn't tell me they were out of stock. I got an order confirmation, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

                        Thanks again Gaye for the tip!



                        • #13
                          Genteal gel

                          Gaye did you get the regular genteal gel or genteal gel severe? Peggy


                          • #14
                            There is only one Genteal Gel. "Genteal Mild", "Genteal Moderate" and "Genteal PF" are eyedrops, while "Genteal Severe" is a gel.
                            Rebecca Petris
                            The Dry Eye Foundation


                            • #15
                              GenTeal Gel

                              Rebecca is correct - there is only one GenTeal Gel, the rest are drops and they don't work at all. Not worth the money spent to even try them.

                              I ordered from the new Australian site too, so within a week, it should show up and I will let everyone know when it does.


