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On behalf of the elderly here, above the ripe old age of 30...
Yikes! I'm two and a half years from 30 -- Does this mean that I will soon be considered elderly? Am I now considered middleaged??? It's funny how the older you get that the next decade does not seem that old. When I was 20, I would have thought 30 was old, but now 30 does not seem that old.
yes, I tried to take the pads out and I just don't know why but Tranquileyes make my eyes worse. I wish it would work for me as for everybody else. I sleep with a kind of mask during the night but I'm sure my eyes are still open.
I posted the question for Dr. Latkany and I'm curious what he'll say.
The weird thing is that once the irritation in the left eye becomes less severe (due to cold weather outside) I don't need drops that often. I hardly need any drops at all when I'm outside and it's cold because the blood vessels become smaller but once I'm inside again the horrible process continues even with 80% humidity....