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Can you use eye drops forever?

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  • Can you use eye drops forever?


    I have very dry eyes and have been given eye drops. But I wonder what type of solution using eye drops is. Is it meant to be a temporarily solution or permanent one?

    A year ago I had PRK. Today the eye doctor only gave enough drops for 2 months. Does she think it will be cured after 2 months?

    Also, so far I've had two type of drops: One very thick and one more watery. What do you prefer/use?

    Desert Cry

  • #2
    Desert Cry

    I think many people use tears for as long as necessary but non -preserved is best for long term/frequent use.

    Try giving it the few months to see how much that helps. I don't think your eye md can know what will happen, it can be very individual. Unfortunately, dry eye after refractive surgery is very, very common and they don't always know who will develop chronic problems. Did you have symptoms of dry eye before the PRK? Intolerance to contact lenses, itchy, gritty eyes?

    Other options to try are punctal plugs that stop your tears from draining out of your eyes or slowing that process down drastically. You can read more about that on this website.

    Another option is a prescription drop called Restasis. It has been shown to help increase tear production post surgery though not necessarily for everyone. For some it works and eventually they can stop or reduce the use for others it must be used long term.

    Are you located here in the US? If not, I think Restasis may be known by another name in other countries. I am not 100% sure of that though.

    I think you will find the lubricating drops very helpful to your comfort and let's hope that it's just a short term thing.

    I prefer the more "watery" versions of eyedrops (like Theratears) versus the gels or thicker formulations.

    Good luck and keep us posted on your progress and how you are feeling.



    • #3
      What your doctor gave you are simply free samples. That doesn't mean that when they're used up, you don't need them anymore - it means you have to go out and buy them. I've never gotten more than a week's worth of eyedrops out of any of my eye're lucky!
      My preference is Systane (preservative free) and Tears Naturale Free (also preservative free). They are both "thinner". I don't like the thick ones.

