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Container/Case for carrying drops??

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  • Container/Case for carrying drops??

    Does anyone have a good way of carrying their tear drops once you open the tube? I use Bion Tears and once I open them, I put the lid back on (I don't discard mine after first use because I use one container in a few hours) but it always seems to leak out in my purse or pocket. I've used prescription bottles to hold them, but they are so bulky to carry around.


  • #2
    A friend of mine has a nylon water bottle holder (y'know the kind with the strap?) that has a little extra room to squeeze in drops. I liked the idea so much I've been thinking of adding a product like this to our shop. There are some that have a snug little pocket or two where you could easily put a bottle or single-use vials without having them tip over.

    Possible contamination while carrying them around can be a problem for unpreserved single-use vials.
    Rebecca Petris
    The Dry Eye Foundation


    • #3
      Allergan has........

      I know these exist because I have two of them. They are a small blue plastic holder for the single use vials and hold it upright. You need to ask your doctor if he has any of these. It couldn't go into your pocket, of course. But you could take it traveling and set it on the dresser/table etc. and be able to use your single use vials in the usual way.

      It's a very blue plastic holder and it's small. That's the only way I can describe it. It is no more than a half-inch high. It sits on table and has an opening on the top where you put the opened vial and it holds it upright.

      I got mine with Restasis samples from two different docs. I believe they probably do not hand these out readily.
      Don't trust any refractive surgeon with YOUR eyes.

      The Dry Eye Queen


      • #4
        I know exactly what you are talking about because I own one too! I use it to hold my Restatis and it is perfect for keeping opened vials away from getting contaminiated, etc. Anyone who wants one can probably get one from their doctor if you ask, as I think it was provided by the Restatis rep.

        I was looking for something more for carrying in a purse (sorry guys) during the day when away from home. I travel in my car alot so the Restatis blue stand is not conducive to keep in your purse/pocket. I hate wasting those vials with just one use as they are so expensive and I go through them rather quickly. I've got to think there is something out there that would be perfect to hold opened vials, no? Maybe this is where I can make my millions to invent something...


        • #5
          I don't think there is any way to carry an opened vial in a pocket or purse without contamination, or just having the liquid run out. There isn't much liquid in there to lose. If you use one vial and open it in the a.m. and use it before you leave the house, leave it sitting waiting for your evening dose.

          If you're going to be away for a few days, take enough vials unopened and your little blue thing. One could possibly "tape" over the end of the open vial, but then you get contamination with sticky stuff. I think you guys are trying to split hairs.

          Have fun!
          Don't trust any refractive surgeon with YOUR eyes.

          The Dry Eye Queen

