I first heard about Lacriserts from a woman who has been wearing them for
over 20 years. She has sojerns.
I have been using Lacriserts for three years now. I received a prescription for them from my Family doctor since my optometrist
and ophthalmologist did not (would not) recommend them. (they are in total denial

manufacturer limited how many I could receive a month. But, now I have no
trouble getting them and can get as many as I need. Sometimes I will use 2
to 3 pair a day depending on what I am doing and the weather conditions. If
I use my computer a lot I will need to put in a new pair as soon as I get
home from work. If you keep them in too long ( 12 to 14 hours) they will
get a bit gooey and uncomfortable. It takes a little trial and error. I
remember reading a post on the surgicaleyes board saying how someone had
tried them and did not like them because they tried to let the
lacrisert dissolve totally in their eye. I can understand why they were
disappointed. You do not want to let them in that long. A person needs to
take them out before bedtime. Lacriserts have helped me so much. I no longer need to put gel in at night or wear a sleep mask.