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  • cromolyn

    I posted about my excessive tearing a few weeks ago. Today I went to ( yet another) opthamologist and he suggested cromolyn ( sp.?) He said it takes about 2 weeks to start working. I am hoping this will help.
    His assistant told me my glands in my lids were clogged and to use hot compresses.
    THe tearing has irritated both lids in the corner and they are scaly and eyes feel very irritated. I also got a prescription for a cream for my lids.

    ANy one have success with cromolyn?

  • #2
    If your eye problems are due to allergies, then Cromolyn is worth a try.

    I used Cromolyn for years pre- LASIK..: it worked great! The only downside is that it stung upon instillation for a minute or so.


    • #3
      well thanks for your reply...i'm hoping it helps.

      lasik 2000- and suffering ever since



      • #4
        Crolom is a mast cell stabilizer. Mast cells secrete histamine which is what causes the allergic reaction (itching, watering, etc). If the tearing is due to allergies, the crolom will help. If the tearing is due to reflex tears in response to a dry eye condition (eyes overreacting to being very dry) I doubt the crolom will have much of an effect. It's generic, cheap and shouldn't have any significant side effects (maybe some burning). Give it a go and see what happens. I've used it for eye allergies and found it was just as effective as other drops (Patanol, Elestat).

        Crolom = Mast cell stabilizer
        Patanol = Histamine receptor blocker
        Elestat = Mast cell stabilizer AND histamine receptor blocker.


        • #5
          And you were correct....

          cromolyn sodium is the generic drug name. Crolom is the brand name.


          • #6
            I have no use of cromolyn with my eyes, but it is an old drug because I used it as an inhaler many, many (never mind) years ago. I could still wear a bikini. I remember having the inhaler on the beach in Fla and wondered how to take it. I put a beach towel over my head and took in a big breath of this powered stuff. Cough, cough. Lucy
            Don't trust any refractive surgeon with YOUR eyes.

            The Dry Eye Queen

