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Difference between DHEA, testosterone and cortico-steroid drops

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  • Difference between DHEA, testosterone and cortico-steroid drops

    Hey guys,
    I'm looking to start taking DHEA drops. I have a doc willing to write a scrip (not an eye doctor though) and I've recently found a couple of compounding pharmacies in my city that is able to make it. I have a question though. What is the difference between DHEA, testosterone and cortico-steroid drops. I know that steroid drops drops shouldn't be taken long term and I am aware of the other side-effects, but what about DHEA? Is DHEA similar to testosterone? I know it is a steroid hormone but is the same as a cortico-steroid? Does anyone know if there are long term side-effects of taking DHEA?

    FOR WE WALK BY FAITH, NOT BY SIGHT (2 Corinthians 5:7).

  • #2
    Ask eyemech with a PM he can tell you


    • #3
      I used DHEA eye drops (.1%) for several months. I started noticing results in just a few days and it continued to get better. Be careful though, as the drops caused by DHEA and testosterone levels to go very high. I started having bad anxiety, heart palpitations and high blood pressure. When I went off the drops those things improved, so I know that's what was causing it. I got mine from Leider's in California. A pharmacist there suggested I switch to the .05 testosterone/progesterone drops. The symptoms the DHEA drops caused slowly started getting better. I'm not sure the other drops are helping much anymore though. I have tapered them down to once a day and will probably go off them soon.

