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Lacriserts and punctal plugs

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  • Lacriserts and punctal plugs

    Can dry eye sufferers get lacriserts with plugs too?

    I am currently using Restasis and I am approaching the six month mark. I am a little depressed because my eyes are still bothering me. While I have improved, my eyes still burn. Three months ago, my dr. gave me the option of plugs in my lower ducts or lacriserts. I went with the plugs. While this did help some, I am still hurting. I was wondering if lacriserts could be an option for now that I have the plugs. Any input would be appreciated.

  • #2
    Hi skeeter,
    I've tried the lacriserts and find they only work for a few short hours. Sometimes, they don't work at all. It's very individual so I suggest you give them ago and see what happens.

    Have you tried cold packs and zaditen (ketotifen) for the burning?

    I notice if I haven't placed artificial tears on my eyes for most of the day (I wear moisture chambers 100% day and night), if I yawn or put some drops in they will burn. I'd say it's because there is a lack of lipid layer protecting the compresses, lid excretion (the method in Dr. Latzkys book) places the natural lipid layer back on the eye.

    Freshkote drops also contain a lipid substance, it's been the best drop I've tried so far. Apparently Alcon have a new drop out called Systane Balance that claims it's for MGD patients and has the lipid component.

    Try everything you can get your hands on Good luck!!


    • #3
      Originally posted by skeeter70 View Post
      Can dry eye sufferers get lacriserts with plugs too?

      I am currently using Restasis and I am approaching the six month mark. I am a little depressed because my eyes are still bothering me. While I have improved, my eyes still burn. Three months ago, my dr. gave me the option of plugs in my lower ducts or lacriserts. I went with the plugs. While this did help some, I am still hurting. I was wondering if lacriserts could be an option for now that I have the plugs. Any input would be appreciated.
      Presumably you have lower silicone plugs? Have you thought about having your upper tear duct plugged too? I had my lower ones plugged for six months, made no difference. I don't have any in at the moment, going to try to have them all plugged. Don't think I will have any over watering issues, as my right eye is very dry. I use Hyabak every 15-30 mins. I am also photophobic within my right eye. Like yourself, looking for a bit of relief.


      • #4
        I just responded to another Lacrisert thread and thought my response may be helpful to you. Here's the link.

        I don't see why you couldn't use Lacriserts and plugs at the same time. I had my lower puncta cauterized 6 weeks ago and just started Lacriserts. The patient instructions say Lacriserts can be used with any other eye drop or medication. So they should be fine with plugs as well.

        Good luck.


        • #5
          Boroboy: Yes, I have thought about getting an upper plug. I posted another thread enquiring about whether an upper plug could really help. I would rather have a plug instead of using lacriserts if the upper plug could get the job done. I will do whatever it takes to get this condition under control. I think that is how we all feel on this cite.

          Willwork4tears; Thanks for the link. There was a very detailed description of how to deal with lacriserts. It sounds like this treatment can help. Thanks.


          • #6
            No reason you couldn't use Lacriserts with plugs. At least I believe the lower plugs--not sure if I'd want to have all 4 plugged and then try.

            I tried Lacriserts two different times and they didn't work for me. Everyone is different though. You will never know if they'll work unless you try them.
            They had about fallen off the scene when a new company bought the rights to them in recent years. They may be more beneficial now.

            Don't trust any refractive surgeon with YOUR eyes.

            The Dry Eye Queen

