Two months ago I had my right upper & lower puncta snipped due to intermittent watery eye. It overcorrected the problem and my right eye is now too dry. A month after the punctal snip, I began feeling a ticklish pain on the right side. The pain feels like it goes from the upper punctum, down the right side of my nose. I'm concerned that an eyelash or other debris has gotten in there and may become a nidus (start) of a lacrimal stone. I called the oculoplastic's nurse, and she said that it would be very rare for something to have gotten in there, and even if it did, an eyelash wouldn't start a stone (however I have read of at least 2 cases online where it has). One reason in particular I'm wondering about eyelashes in there, is that before the punctal snip a couple times a week I would have to fish out an eyelash that got caught under the upper lid right there by the upper punctum, but since the surgery only has one settled there. So...where are all the loose eyelashes going now?!?
She said if I was concerned I could come in and have him irrigate the lacrimal passage to flush anything out. However, I'm reluctant to have this done, both because it's uncomfortable and because I am still hanging on to some hope that the upper punctum will constrict a little more as it finishes healing, and if he's squirting saline up there might that stetch things again?
I'm wondering if maybe the pain from my punctum down the side of my nose is just due to the dry eye. Could I get some folks to chime in on what their dry eye pain feels like, and if anyone has experienced that medial-eye, side-of-nose pain? Maybe you can save me a needless irrigation.
Two months ago I had my right upper & lower puncta snipped due to intermittent watery eye. It overcorrected the problem and my right eye is now too dry. A month after the punctal snip, I began feeling a ticklish pain on the right side. The pain feels like it goes from the upper punctum, down the right side of my nose. I'm concerned that an eyelash or other debris has gotten in there and may become a nidus (start) of a lacrimal stone. I called the oculoplastic's nurse, and she said that it would be very rare for something to have gotten in there, and even if it did, an eyelash wouldn't start a stone (however I have read of at least 2 cases online where it has). One reason in particular I'm wondering about eyelashes in there, is that before the punctal snip a couple times a week I would have to fish out an eyelash that got caught under the upper lid right there by the upper punctum, but since the surgery only has one settled there. So...where are all the loose eyelashes going now?!?
She said if I was concerned I could come in and have him irrigate the lacrimal passage to flush anything out. However, I'm reluctant to have this done, both because it's uncomfortable and because I am still hanging on to some hope that the upper punctum will constrict a little more as it finishes healing, and if he's squirting saline up there might that stetch things again?
I'm wondering if maybe the pain from my punctum down the side of my nose is just due to the dry eye. Could I get some folks to chime in on what their dry eye pain feels like, and if anyone has experienced that medial-eye, side-of-nose pain? Maybe you can save me a needless irrigation.
