It's been a while since I've been on this board...I had all 4 ducts plugged with Smart Plugs (the ones that are in the canal, no cap on outside.) My dry eye has improved significantly and have been happy with the results.
About a year ago, I started having excessive tears in my right eye. So much tearing, that it would run down my face all day long. Some days are better than others...same as when the eyes were excessively dry. I've been to 2 doctors to remove the lower plug...and both times irrigated and felt the saline going down my throat. This led me to believe the plug was gone. But I've still had excessive tears in that eye for a year. I recently moved to another state, and finally decided to try a new doc to irrigate again. He irrigated this morning, and really washed it out for a few minutes. I asked him to do the top as well, but he said we didnt need to....that as he was irrigating the bottom, saline was coming around and out of the top duct? It's now late afternoon, and I'm starting to tear up again.
I'm wondering if anyone else has had this problem after being irrigated and believed to have removed the plug? Doc says the only thing left is surgery to basically create an additional tear duct...which just doesnt sound like a good idea.
About a year ago, I started having excessive tears in my right eye. So much tearing, that it would run down my face all day long. Some days are better than others...same as when the eyes were excessively dry. I've been to 2 doctors to remove the lower plug...and both times irrigated and felt the saline going down my throat. This led me to believe the plug was gone. But I've still had excessive tears in that eye for a year. I recently moved to another state, and finally decided to try a new doc to irrigate again. He irrigated this morning, and really washed it out for a few minutes. I asked him to do the top as well, but he said we didnt need to....that as he was irrigating the bottom, saline was coming around and out of the top duct? It's now late afternoon, and I'm starting to tear up again.
I'm wondering if anyone else has had this problem after being irrigated and believed to have removed the plug? Doc says the only thing left is surgery to basically create an additional tear duct...which just doesnt sound like a good idea.