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A warning - Plugs and mucus

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  • A warning - Plugs and mucus

    I went to the OD today because my eyes were so sore especially the right one. He found that the plug that I had put in in May last year by Lasik Dr was irritating my eye causing the eye to produce lots of mucus which was making my vision blurry and building up in my lids. He removed it so maybe I will now be free from all the inflamation feeling in my face and back of my nose and the toothache. He cannot see the plug he put in last month either but strangely he said that eye did not have any dry patches. The sore one did. He also told me about the mucus fishing syndrome and warned against trying to fish out mucus. So I guess I am plugless again.
    So if your plugs are irritating your eye even a little bit beware of this mucus problem. I only felt that plug irritating when I wiped the outside corner of my eye. I think I will ask for the intracanicular ones next time. Ones that are soft and that dissolve and that don't stick out!
    Dot (2 year Lasik disaster anniversary next month)
    When the going gets tough - the tough get going!

  • #2

    I am really confused with this whole mucus thing at the moment.

    I am quadraplugged with the oasis 90 day dissolvable. I have noticed lately that I am getting what I think are occasional mucus strings mainly in my left eye but my eyes are looking the best they have for months.

    My upper plugs are now 2 months old so they will be starting to dissolve so I think I will see how I get on a for a little while without them.

    What does mucus strings mean, your mucin layer is over/under productive.

    How do you manage it? I have read about drops that increase goblet cell density (is this the same thing as mucus layer), but I don't know if I want to be increasing it or decreasing it.

    I have a good aqueous production and my lipid glands (under examination by DR) are not blocked and functioning normally so that leaves my mucin layer as potentially my problem area.

    I am still doing warm compresses and I don't think they can do any harm.

    If you can like plugs at all, I have had good success with the Oasis 90 day disolvable however mine tend to become less effective soon after 2 months.

    October is the 1 year anniversary of my Lasek, never in a million years believed that I would be at this point 12 months on.

    Take care



    • #3
      If you have a good lipid layer and a good aqueous layer, how do you treat a bad mucin layer?


      • #4
        Originally posted by np1981
        If you have a good lipid layer and a good aqueous layer, how do you treat a bad mucin layer?
        NP1981 - I guess that is the question that I have. The Opthamologist told me my aqueous is good, my lipid is fine also but because the surgery damages the epithilium (??sp) that it disturbes the mucin layer and goblet cell density and that is where my problem currently is. I am not sure if I subscribe to this theory but I am not a Doctor and am taking their comments in good faith. I have an appointment with my surgeon on Tuesday so I will be asking him for clarity.

        I am very confused on this now.

        I feel that with time a good aqueous and lipid should improve the mucin naturally but I have seen some study where Theratears drops are supposed to help with the mucin layer, I believe Dakrina also does but for some reason it really irritates me.

        I would be happy if anyone can shed any light on this for me.



        • #5
          Hi Ian
          This mucus thing is confusing. The Dr said that my goblet cells are over producing the mucus because of the irritation. So I guess that says that I am not short of mucin production. I have been told that I am aqueous adequate (but they don't do Schirmers test - just go by the staining) but it sure doesn't feel like it in the evening especially. I don't have MGD or blepheritis. I do seem to have lots of inflamation symptoms. It will be interesting to see how I go plugless for a while.
          Little did we know what we had let ourselves in for when we had Lasik!! It sure turned my life upside down. I got really down over this last week. I am having some hope again. At least the Dr said "I am glad you came to see me." Not "I understand that you are uncomfortable but your eyes look good."
          I like the hot compresses too. Even the Dwelle and a hot shower wasn't working in the evening over the last few days. Maybe tonight will be better.
          Take care
          When the going gets tough - the tough get going!


          • #6
            No wonder we are confused

            I think that I am pretty much in the same boat, I have good lipid (no MGD or blepharitis - slit lamp examination), I also have good aqueous (according to a questionable Shrimer's score) and I supposedly am over producing mucus because I get the occasional mucus strings.

            If this is the case, I should be feeling like I am living on cloud 9 when the complete opposite is true.

            I have found that when all else fails, a bottle of Australian red helps me to take my mind off this DES, not that I am recommending this as a solution to everyone.

            My only suggestion is to make sure that you drink plenty of water with the red because in the morning I wake up rather than dealing with a headache that most "normal" people may have to contend with with, I have the added excitement of whether to expect a corneal abrasion or not.

            Dot, I hope that things improve for you very soon.

            It is so frustrating and helpless when the things that normally give you relief don't. I have found that my pretty rough days are soon followed by a few good days where my condition is again manageable.

            I will let you know how I get on after my next visit where I intend to get some clarity on this mucin problem and try to understand what it actually means.

            Have a great day!


            PS. I edited my original post because I didn't want people to think I was irresponsible recommending red wine as a solution. It just got to me last night, but this morning is a new and better day!
            Last edited by prattstar; 16-Sep-2006, 02:34.

