I have plugs in my lower tear ducts, but I hardly notice a difference. I also had the upper ducts plugged as well, but I had tear overflow so the upper plugs were taken out. I read somewhere on this website that Eaglevision makes a flow controller plug that reduces but does not eliminate tear drainage. Has anyone tried this plug? Has it been successful? My tear duct already looks so small, so I wonder how this flow controller plug could even be effective. I am going to a new doctor on Oct. 23, so I am going to print out all my research on the flow controller plug to see if I can give it a try.
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Flow controller plugs
That plug does work. It is great for people in your situation, one plug is not enough but two cause overflow. It might be easier to put in normal plugs in the upper and the Flow Controller in the lower. If I'm not mistaken the cylinder in the larger plugs is slightly larger. In other words the larger the plug the larger the cylinder for some tear to flow through. The reason for the suggsestion on where to put the Flow Controller is that 95% of upper puncta tend to only need a .4 size plug and 40% of the lower use a .6. If your doc doesn't think your puncta vary in size then he will probably put the Flow Controller in the upper.
Thanks for your reply! It gives me some hope.
Have you had the Eaglevision flow controller plug inserted? Did it work for you?
How do you know where to place the plugs? I'm just curious. Do you have any other advice for me regarding this problem?
I called my the opthamologist that I have been seeing for dry eye problems, and he is checking into this option.
No I have not had Flow Controllers put in.
I am aware of many people who have had them put in for situations similar to yours and they worked great.
I have been in the ophthalmic business for 22 years.
I hope your ophthalmologists sizes your puncta correctly and that you benefit from this.
I have one more question for you, indrep. When I had all four plugs in, I initially experienced red eyes and irritation of my upper and lower lids, but the inflammation went away after a few days. The doctor even said that I really did not have any redness when he went to take the plugs out. If I have the Eaglevision flow controllers put in, would it be reasonable to expect some redness and irritation would initially occur, but that the redness and inflammation would most likely reside with time? Thanks for answering my question.
It is not typical to have redness or inflammation caused by the plugs. However if the inflammation was related to how the plugs were inserted then you might expect some if the same doctor is inserting the new ones.
So I guess I am saying you may have some and you may not.
Let us know how it works out.
I had the Eagle Vision flow controller plugs inserted in my upper puncta yesterday afternoon, and I have noticed since then that my eyes do not burn at all!! I have no overflow and no pain!! It has been so long since I have felt so good!
I just have one question. My rims are really red (upper and lower). Is this because my eyes are getting used to having more tears? Or that some of my tears might be reflective tears? When I had the full plugs in my upper puncta, I had some redness that eventually went away. Can I expect that the redness of my rims will go away in a few days? I am using TheraTears preservative free drops every hour or so even if I feel that I do not need them.
Thank you so much, indrep, for recommending this plug. I am pain free and do not have any overflow. I hope that the redness goes away!!
Thanks for posting about this. Please keep us updated! I have always thought that flow controller plugs were a good concept but have rarely if ever heard from patients who have tried them. Having your input on your experience here on the board will be very useful for others.Rebecca Petris
The Dry Eye Foundation
Congratulations. Using the TheraTears every hour will help get the osmolarity of your tear film back in balance as well as the electrolytes which help restore goblet cells. It will take some time, 3-4 weeks, and then you can go to a 4-6 times a day regimen.
Thanks for your reply.
I will continue to use the TheraTears. They really do help with the redness. I hope that my eyes will not be so red with time.
I have another more question. My eyes are very dry and red in the morning when I wake up. If I have plugs in, wouldn't this help with the dryness through the night? Why are they so red and dry in the morning? Is there anything that I can do to help with this problem? The redness and dryness seems to be worse when I have to get up early to go to work. On the weekends (and when I sleep in), they are not so red and dry when I awake. I would appreciate any suggestions that anyone might have.
Originally posted by Julie1Why are they so red and dry in the morning?
This is a fairly common problem for people with dry eye, with or without plugs. Have a look at our night eye protection page for some suggestions about ways to deal with it. Basically amounts to environmental control, gooping up and covering up.Rebecca Petris
The Dry Eye Foundation
flow controllers
I went to the eye dr today to have a flow controller plug installed since I'm getting overflow in my right eye (have both upper and lower plugs). The eye dr said he'd just been to a conference where he heard that the flow controller hadn't really made much difference for people. Then when he went to put it in my lower puncta, he said the plug that was in there (Oasis brand) fit so well that he would hate to take it out. I mentioned that he could put it in my upper puncta, but he said that was contrary to nature. He then said he would take out the upper plug to stem the overflow. I said "no way" since I got no relief at all from just having the lowers plugged. I feel like it's so hard to get decent information from eye dr's. The last one I went to didn't really think that I had dry eyes even after I told him how my eyes felt and how I could only wear my contacts for a few hours at a time. Now this dr is at least willing to try stuff, but I'm not sure I can trust the info. He did give me some samples of Restasis to use and said it won't hurt me and there are no side effects. Can I believe that info? My overflow isn't horrendous, and the first Eagle plug he used irritated my eye b/c of the shape of the head, so I had a few doubts about using another Eagle plug anyway but I think I would at least like to try using the flow controller in the upper duct. I guess I'll make another appt.
just got flow controller in upper
Went back to eye dr today after reading posts on this site about the Eagle flow controller plug and had the plug inserted in my upper puncta. So far, so good. It's comfortable, even though it's a .7mm size. I only had overflow in one eye so only needed it for my right eye. Just wanted to let everyone know it's an option.
Partial Flow Plugs
I have had these plugs in for years. For one eye I have partial flow in both the upper and lower puncti. Of all the plugs I have used these are the most comfortable and they have stayed in the longest. Give them a try.