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cautery and being put under for it?? anyone??

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  • cautery and being put under for it?? anyone??

    i may have punctal cautery-i have had it on my uppers and did fine -wasn't put out etc. Went to my doc today and he said because my lowers ducts have had so many plugs, been scarred shut and opened-he said the anatomy had changed so much he would have to put me out to do cautery-because he tried to probe and dilate the opening to put a plug in and the plug popped right back out. Also, the canal to my duct is sideways now due to so many plus and scarring etc. I hate having to be put out but he is afraid I won't be able to take the pain as i was squirming in my chair today.

    Have any of you been put out for it and have any of you had both eyes done at the same time?

    I also have Sjogrens and MGD. Hope to hear from you! Thanks so much for your time in reading this!!!

  • #2
    I was out for it the first time, but because they were also cutting and sewing my eyelid up tighter (actually they purposely woke me up for that part - which was a nightmare). It was nothing. I only have one problem eye.


    • #3
      I want to know about this too, I had DCR surgery many years ago and hence have huge plug will fit or stay for long. I went back to the plastic surgeon who did my DCR and he said he would stitch them closed first to see how it helped..made sense. But the Opthamalogist said they do the cautery there, not sure if I should just have cautery because of prior surgery. Hope others who have had permanant closing of the punctums will chime in here. Very good preference would be to be out.


      • #4
        had it done tuesday and was put under.. so nice not going through those nasty shots of iodine which always flare me up ( i have sjogrens) .anyway so far so good!!! If I ever have to do again i am going to be under again-my doc said he wanted to with me cause he knew the shots irritated my system so bad and caused flares. etc. for over a month.. i can take the pain at the time but not the ext dryness for months later .. being put to sleep was so much better! less trauma to the eye as well due to no shots at all!!!


        • #5
          How was the recovery? I've heard others say it was awful and would not do it again, but some say piece of cake. My DCR surgery was not so bad as expected, was out for that of course. I don't have cryable (is that a word) tears, so doubt I would have problem with overflow. Do you still add drops? does it reduce the need for drops? sorry for the questions which may sound silly, but so lost with this subject, I'm not sure what to do in my situation as it is a bit different from others. My eyes have been really bad for about a month now, and feeling desperate again to do something to help myself.

