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four plugs

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  • four plugs

    How many of u have all four plugs?? How dry u were to have all 4? How have plugs helped u?

    I have all four plugs and this seems te be only thing that helps.

    I wish I could get some restasis, but it is not licensed in my country. Ant ideas how to get it??

  • #2
    Hi Merka,
    I have 4 plugs, 2 permanent silicone plugs in the bottom and 2 temporary ones in the upper. I find they do provide more relief, but still not as good. Are all your plugs permanent umbrella plugs?


    • #3
      Originally posted by tealeaf View Post
      Hi Merka,
      I have 4 plugs, 2 permanent silicone plugs in the bottom and 2 temporary ones in the upper. I find they do provide more relief, but still not as good. Are all your plugs permanent umbrella plugs?
      Yea, I have 4 umbrella plugs and it is little too wet, but when I remove upper ones then it is little too dry. My doc recommended to get temporary ones in the upper because they let few tears to drain. Does your temporary uppers stay in? Once I had all 4 temporary ones, but they kept falling out.


      • #4
        How about trying flow controller plugs by Eaglevision?


        • #5
          Hi Merka,
          no, the temporary plugs do not fall out. I guess they dissolved over days and weeks and my eyes get drier with that. So far, the temporary upper ad permanent lower help my better eye but the worse one, still dry. What's your shirmer scores? I guess I may consider flow controller plugs as suggested by spmcc.

          Hi Spmcc,
          I am currently using Odyssey parasol plugs for my lower tear ducts and no rubbing issues, do you have any idea if the flow controller plug cause rubbing?


          • #6
            Spmcc, I thought about flow controllers, but my doc doesn't know anything about them and they don't use flow controllers. Can't I order them from online somewhere??

            Tealeaf, my temporary ones kept falling out. My Shirmer was before plugs left eye 1 and right eye 2.


            • #7
              I have never tried flow controllers so I don't know if they rub. The only person who I personally know who has flow controllers is Tankie and he's doing so well now that he's never on DEZ. You could check his old posts however.

              As for getting them, I'm pretty sure that any doctor (optometrist, ophthalmologist) could order them. It's just a matter of whether they feel like it or not. I don't think you can order them yourself online. I'd say it's time to school your doctor!


              • #8
                Hi Merka,
                Mine also very low at 2 mm left and 0mm right eye. I find that with 1 temporary plug in the upper and 1 permanent bottom one does not provide enough relief for my worse eye. Am considering having 2 permanent ones.


                • #9
                  Ho spmcc,
                  how nice to be feeling so well in the eyes. I hope I will have such a day.


                  • #10
                    Tealeaf, how is your better eye feeling with one permanent and one temporary? My 2 mm eye ise overtearing one tear per hour. My 1 mm eye little less. I think ur going to be good with two permanent ones.

                    I am going to see my doc in january, I hope by then I'll be fine with only lower permanent plugs.


                    • #11
                      Sorry for missing this post. How are you feeling with 4 plugs now? Are your eyes still overflow? Vision blocked?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by tealeaf View Post
                        Sorry for missing this post. How are you feeling with 4 plugs now? Are your eyes still overflow? Vision blocked?
                        Vision isn't blocked, but still overtearing with 4 plugs.

