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4 Plugs Overflow

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  • 4 Plugs Overflow

    Since I did not get any relief from IPL, I tried having all ducts plugged two days ago.

    It was nice for the first few hours but I am over tearing so badly. It also exacerbated the starburst from Lasik. I was able to drive before but I can not anymore.

    Does it get any better?

  • #2
    I would give it a few days before you get any plugs removed as your eyes could be adjusting and the plugs are known to scratch the outer eye for the first 2-3 days and cause reflex tearing.

    If over tearing continues I would get the upper plugs removed and keep the lowers in. For me, the lowers are an absolute must as I'm aqueous deficient and most of the tear drainage occurs through the lower puncta (gravity).


    • #3
      Originally posted by Glucoa View Post
      I would give it a few days before you get any plugs removed as your eyes could be adjusting and the plugs are known to scratch the outer eye for the first 2-3 days and cause reflex tearing.

      If over tearing continues I would get the upper plugs removed and keep the lowers in. For me, the lowers are an absolute must as I'm aqueous deficient and most of the tear drainage occurs through the lower puncta (gravity).
      I had lower first and for it was nit cutting it. Is there any type of plug that block the passage partially?


      • #4
        There are flow control plugs, which limit drainage but don't completely stop it.

