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Has anyone had this gross thing happen?

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  • #31
    Hi there,
    I had the wire thing done and it was horrible. Just have something to hold on to and take a deep breath. It totally freaked me out!
    I have tons of pus in both eyes in the morning and lately my left eye has been itching like crazy. I have lost SO many plugs I'm sure if they did an ultraviolet x-ray of my body there would be plugs floating around everywhere!
    Hang in there...yes, we do all know how you feel. Funny how it helps when you know others know exactly how you are feeling, huh?


    • #32
      Kyle ,
      Did the dr. end up finding anything with the wire gizmo and how sore were you after? I feel like there is a jelly bean stuck up my nose how about that for a description... Everyday I say okay I am not going to wake up in pain in my left eye... wishful thinking but I am hanging in there sometimes with a rope often with just a thread. Thanks for sharing. Kyle because of the puss didnt the doctor want to put you on an antibiotic? the dr. I talked to wanted to also put me on an antibiotic and steriod drops after the procedure I wont do steriod drops again because of the terrible burning... I went to school today to drop off some baby gifts I was anxious but it was great to see everyone, its funny how we miss the simple things just going to work saying Hi to my colleagues and students have always loved teaching but I will never take it for granted again you know those days when you just didnt want to get out of bed.. Hope this note finds everyone inbetter eye health this weekend. Peggy

      PS If any one knows a doctor on the east cost close to NY who specializes in the smart plug and such let me know


      • #33
        Kyle said:

        I had the wire thing done and it was horrible. Just have something to hold on to and take a deep breath. It totally freaked me out!
        I want to play devil's advocate here for a minute. That's my favorite role. I have had the "wire thing" done to see if my Herricks were in place a long time ago. Guess what? Apparently they weren't because the doc felt no resistance with the wire probe.

        I do want to mention that I did not find it particularly "horrible." I was not "freaked out." I just want to make sure we remember that we all react differently to things. Someone reading this might be afraid of having this done. While Kyle's experience, along with Peggy's, my experience was not bad at all.

        Don't trust any refractive surgeon with YOUR eyes.

        The Dry Eye Queen


        • #34
          That's very true. I have not had any problems with Restasis, but after reading a lot of the posts here, I'm not sure I would have even tried it if I had known so many others burned so badly when using it.

          I know I had e-mailed Dr. G about the wire thing and he said even babies get it done, so it really is no big deal. I was just freaked out, because it looked like some type of old fashioned torture.

          No blockage was found in my eyes either although I would swear there's at least one plug trapped in there somewhere!

          No, I was never put on antibiotics for the pus and stuff, but I was put on two different steroids that irritated the hell out of my eyes. The second one (Pred Forte) made me look like I was in a horror eyes were blazing red and they burned like crazy. I'm off of them now (obviously) and I doubt I would ever go back on them.

          I totally agree with Lucy and I apologize if I scared you (or anyone) off of trying anything new. I'll be the first to admit I have been high strung and extremely emotional these past months because of everything I have been through. I think it is all trial and error for all of us.

          Peggy, I'm glad you got the strength to go into school. I think just getting out of bed helped me. Now I try to walk or exercise every day and I find my emotional state getting stronger and stronger. I wish the same for you.

          Oh, and I was in no pain after they did the wire thing. They numbed my eye prior to inserting it and it was really so quick I didn't feel a thing. It was the anticipation of the whole event that almost did me in!
          Take care,


          • #35
            [QUOTE=Peggy] My question for Rkralman I hope I got the name right is did you ever feel something on the side of your nose I know thats where the lacrimal system is located...did you ever see any puss before the itching? I dont have any redness just soreness.

            Hi Peggy! I have not been on for a few days as I had cautery on my eye and decided to not use the computer too much while it healed. I did not feel anything on the side of my nose. The sensations I had were red and itchy tear duct and drainage or pus coming out of the duct itself. My eye was red around the rim and puffed out along the ridge...itched like CRAZY! I just knew something was stuck there, but two doctors assured me that a plug could not "get lost". Finally the third doctor numbed the eye and squeezed the punctum and out popped two plugs. I popped a third one out myself at home. Ouch! These plugs definitely can get lost, especially ones like Smart Plug that go inside the punctum. I also had a capped plug get lost too, however, I feel this was due to the doctor sizing the plug too small and it just slipped inside the punctum. The doctor explained to me the itching is a reaction to the material the plug is made of. Some folks get along fine while others are sensitive to the material the plugs are made from. If you think you may have a lodged plug and are having negative symptoms and your doctor says " that's impossible, plugs don't get lost", FIND ANOTHER DOCTOR. My best to you and hope we all can continue to be optimistic that new remedies are being discovered every day! Robin


            • #36
              My week

              I have completed my first week of school and the first three days were good. I am still in constant pain in my left eye but it was a joy seeing and working with the kids and I was coping. Wednesday my pain increased and by Thursday and Friday I was crying again havent done that in awhile because I am feeling like I cannot do this my eyes were burning, I was sensitive to the noise and light in my classroom I feel like have taken so many steps backward. It makes me feel good to see you all bantering back and forth and I am so happy for all of you who have found relief. The patience I recommend to other people is sometimes lacking in myself. It been almost 8 months now and everyone has been so supportive I wish I could meet you all in Florida sounds like it will be a great party and I was one of the best people to party with way back when ... I will keep on plugging on ,definitely a pun intended I am going to try and get through next week and see what happens. Just tired of the rollercoaster. I did go to Wills eye and had my left eye irrigated the dr. was extremely gentle and felt 95% that the smart plug was irrigated outafter the 1st irrigation. What a difference between to the two drs. One was exremely rough and the other I hardly knew he was doing it. So we still dont know why my left eye aches and down the side of my left nose he doesnt want to do any surgery because it is so serious and I agree so time seems to be my only option does any one else have one eye that aches constantly? Took pain pill for the 1st time in a couple of months and it didnt even touch it!!!!!!! Any other advice let me know gang!!!!!!!! Peggy


              • #37
                A Question about Plugs?

                I just barely read all of this entire posts about plug problems. First I would like to say all of you that have plugs put in and suffer from them getting lodged inside are very brave to go through that. My question is would plugs help with the mucus string things I suffer from? I have constant mucus strings in my eyes and its gross and its bothersome, not only does the dry eye make me miserable but the mucus strings put more of a damper on my life. I was just wondering if any of you had this mucus string or strand problem and if the plugs helped it go away? Also if any of you might be suffering from ear or nose problems that could be a bad idea to get plugs. I suffer from bad ears and I was born without eustacian tubes so I have had tubes in my ears since I was 3 years old, now at the age of 30 I still have them and have about 2 surgeries a year to get them put back in.
                I also have had my adnoids taken out which has helped me breath better and my tonsils lol, besides all of that what I am getting at is that our ears,nose and throat and eyes are all connected and if you suffer from any sort of problems with your ears or nose and get plugs put in, it might be why the plugs are not working It was just a thought, I don't think I would ever get plugs put in but my question was if any of you had this mucus problem like I have along with the MGD and if the plugs stopped the mucus in your eyes? I hope that all of you with plugs find the right doctor to put them in right because that is just horrible what you all have to go through. God Bless Delilah


                • #38

                  I'm sorry for your rough week. The only thing I have to offer is that we all have highs and lows with our eyes. Somehow, we always make it back to a better place. We do. It's hard to recall those more comfortable times when we're in a state of pain, but try. Ask the hubby to remind you. That's what I do. Your better days will be back. You've asked a lot of yourself this week and it's not surprising you're having a setback. Hang in there and we'll party dry-eye style in Florida. I'll be thinking about you.

                  Never play leapfrog with a unicorn.


                  • #39

                    What are you doing up at 1:24 am? Contractions? I just broke a front tooth and am having a fit. It always happens on a weekend. Ugh. How can I go to sleep with a broken front tooth?
                    Don't trust any refractive surgeon with YOUR eyes.

                    The Dry Eye Queen


                    • #40
                      Sorry I didn't get to this in the 1 am hour, but here I am a little later...

                      Whaddaya mean "what am I doing up"?! Sleeping is just rough right now. It's just the way it is. No contractions tonight...or at least not that really mean anything.

                      Sorry about the tooth, Lucy. Things like that do seem to happen on a weekend. So I guess is you ( ) with one blacked out.

                      So you have a little luck with the eyes and you have to fall apart somewhere else?! Bummer.
                      Never play leapfrog with a unicorn.


                      • #41
                        Trying again

                        Thanks for the words of encouragement Diana, the pain does defeat me I am always in pain but when its on the rampage its hard to function going back to work . Trying again because I started this crazy exciting project to be displayed in our town on New Years Eve. Will try to figure out a solution if I cant make it. Hubby has been very supportive but has to go out of town for 2 weeks and leaving me for the first time since this lasik disaster. Have great friends here who are going to be here if I need them. Hope you are getting a little sleep but I can tell how excited you are for the bambino to come.

                        Lucy sorry about your tooth hope you can get a quick fix, a front tooth thats the worst.

                        You will all have to find an internet site in Florida so you can email hour by hour partying info...
                        Keep me in your thoughts this week I hope things will work better...


                        • #42
                          Lucy sorry about your tooth hope you can get a quick fix, a front tooth thats the worst.
                          As luck would have it, I have an appointment first thing tomorrow morning for routine cleaning. How much better could I have timed a broken filling? I could have called the dentist's office today and had someone come in for lotsa bucks. I just staying home today with my snaggy tooth and will get some assistance in the a.m. It's not the whole tooth, but I can see a new porcelain crown in my future. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$

                          +>+++++ My smile today.
                          Don't trust any refractive surgeon with YOUR eyes.

                          The Dry Eye Queen


                          • #43
                            Me, too

                            I recently had a silicone plug inadvertently inserted on top of another silicone plug! The new plug looked nice and flush and everything was okay for a few weeks. Then I developed itching in the punctal area, then increasing pain and requested an urgent appointment. I knew that the plug needed to come out, saw a lot of redness and inflammation, yet the backup opthamologist said it looked "normal" except for a bit of mucous on top of the plug. She asked if maybe she should just remove the mucous and leave the plug in, and I said "no!" I really had a feeling something was wrong. After being warned that my already dry eye was just going to get drier, she removed the plug and quickly I started feeling a lot better. Some of the itching and inflammation continued, and two days later I squeezed that area and out came an old plug. I was totally taken aback. I'm not even sure which one it was, since there have been two prior plugs it could be. (Hopefully, there isn't another one in there, or in the other eye which also has had sequential plugs.) In any event, I'm taking the plug in to my next appointment. I wonder if they can tell from looking at it what model it is, since I know the two prior plugs were different manufacturers and sizes.


                            • #44
                              Hi marlsena and welcome to Dry Eye Talk!

                              She asked if maybe she should just remove the mucous and leave the plug in, and I said "no!" I really had a feeling something was wrong. After being warned that my already dry eye was just going to get drier, she removed the plug and quickly I started feeling a lot better.
                              Thank you for sharing this. We know our own bodies best. It's important to respect and heed that little voice/gut feeling.

                              I think it's great that you are taking the plug in to your next appointment. I'm also curious whether you'll find out which plug it was in the sequence. It's an interesting thought.

                              "People may not always remember exactly what you said or what you did, but they will always remember how you made them feel." ~ Unknown

