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Cyclosporin Delivery Vehicle?

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  • Cyclosporin Delivery Vehicle?

    Why can't they just put this stuff in Reflesh Plus? Restasis irritates my eyes so much but I feel its just what the meds are delivered in rather then the meds.

  • #2
    Years ago when my ophthalmologist's office made it difficult for me to get restasis (I'm in Canada), I had cyclosporine (.05%) compounded in an OTC eyedrop that I could tolerate. I just told the compounding pharmacist which one I liked and he put it in it (both went into a new bottle).

    If Refresh Plus is a regular OTC drop that isn't already in single-dose units, then your compounding pharmacist should be able to do it. And if this pharmacist doesn't sell that brand in his/her shop, take your own unopened package and see if that will do!

    Good luck.


    • #3
      Picked up my autologous serum drops today and the pharmasist told me that they can make up drops with cyclosporin - he thought it was weird that my opthamologist would go to all the trouble it takes to get Restasis into Canada when he could just compound the cyclosporin. Now that I know of a place that will do the compounding I'll have to try and get the opth. to write a prescription - he did not seem to think he could do this before or maybe just thought it was a bad idea - not proven, I don't know. Anyways its good to knopw that there is someone who can make this stuff up for me in Edmonton.


      • #4
        Yay! That's great news Aaron! I don't see any reason why your doc shouldn't let you try the compounded stuff... especially since all you're asking for is the same strength as what's in Restasis!


        • #5
          I'm now taking compounded cyclosporine 1% with liposomes. I initially mixed it with autologous serum in various concentrations but even without the serum there is virtually no itching and burning.
          Last edited by Ariel; 16-Aug-2010, 17:51.

