Vegas with dry eyes
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Punctal plugs and Restasis
Doubling Up on Restasis
Hello Everyone,
Sorry it's been awhile since I've posted, my eyes have been doing the good day bad day thing. But I got my new perscription of Restasis and I have been using one whole vile per day and I have noticed a slight change of improvement!! Instead of twice a day I do 4 times a day, it is going to cause my Restasis to go down faster but its worth a try right? Anyway's I had to let all of you know what I've been doing. Im in the process of getting more Castor Oil drops, they worked really good at first then it seemed that my eyes were back to where they were? Really silly huh. Anyway's I hope all of you are doing good. Let me know what ya'll think about me doubling up on the Restasis. Love Delilah