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Restasis for Blepharitis

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  • Restasis for Blepharitis

    Just starting a little journal here on my journey with Restasis.

    Since my primary problem seems to be Blepharitis, which then causes MGD and then in turn dry eye, it seems to me logically that anything that reduces inflammation should help all three to some extent. So I have hope that I'll be in the "this stuff works for me" group!

    This is backed up by studies like This one from JOPT

    So I'm happy to report that after a week on Restasis BID, I had a very good eye day (minimal redness, NO need for drops all day other than the Restasis) today.

    But other variables have been in there messing things up too. Yesterday and the day before were very BAD eye days, but those two days I had been trying a new night gel preserved with Cetrimide, which seems to be roughly as nasty as Benzalkonium chloride once I looked it up. So that could explain why my eyes were nearly unusable first thing in the morning.

    On the good side, I'm doing warm heat (hot water from shower on face) followed by Novartis Lid Care every morning now, and that seems to help too.

    Also on the good side, yesterday night I replaced the nasty night drops with Toril's recommended Celluvisc, and was very pleased with the results. Goes in soothing, no weird morning effects at all.
    Blepharitis leads to MGD causes dry eye?
    Dry eye drops cause eyelid irritation exacerbating Blepharitis?

  • #2
    Heeyyy...good to hear that you like the Celluvisc! By the way...where do you get hold of Restasis?


