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Restasis used for MGD

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  • Restasis used for MGD

    Hi Folks,
    At some point during my obsessive internet research into dry eye, i though I saw a reference to cyclosporin-a (Restasis) being used to treat MGD. It certainly would make sense-but has anyone else heard of this? Restasis is typically uses to treat subnormal tear production.

  • #2
    Yes, the opthalmologist I saw at Wills Eye told me that the latest research reveals that restasis does help the glands as well as tear production.


    • #3
      Thanks you,
      I am kind of afraid to start using it as many people say it causing bad burning, but I guess its starting to start to look like that's where I might be headed. Hopefully I'm not allergic to it!


      • #4
        Cyclosporin is there to reduce inflammation so it may actually help to reduce inflammation on the lids thereby improving somewhat MGD as well.
        I use Cyclo (not Restasis) and Doxy (just a small fraction of what I do) and I still have MGD but it looks like when i remove meibum it's a little less toxic for the surface of the eye.
        Not a day and night difference in my case but still...
        unless I need to convince myself that I should bother doing all this.


        • #5
          Not all of us

          I've used Restasis for Sjogren's related dry eye for about a year and half. While I can't say whether or not it gives me more tears (I'm not going to experiment), it has dramatically reduced the infections I was having.

 has never burned my eyes. Some people do not have the burning.



          • #6
            I used Restasis for 3 months the 1st time--had bad burning, pain, goop. I waited a year and tried it again--8 months at 2 x per day. This time my eyes were in better shape and it didn't burn much. But I went down to 1 x per day 4 months ago--I have noticed that my vision is worse when I use it 2 x a day--it's more of an irritant at that level.

            I think it is helping my dry eyes--my shirmer number did not change much (betw 2-3). But I definitely have fewer "bad days" since I started using Restasis.



            • #7
              I've tried using Restasis several times, but it always made my eyes burn. I never had any burning upon instillation, but about 30 minutes afterwards the burning would start and continue until the next dose. The times I had previously tried Restasis I always had lower punctal plugs and also did not refrigerate it.

              I no longer have any punctal plugs and have been refrigerating the Restasis, which is supposed to help alleviate any burning/stinging. There has been some debate on here about refrigerating it, but all the doctors I have ever seen say that it is ok to do so. The main reason I tried refrigerating it is because I found an ophthalmology website that says refrigerating it will help alleviate any burning/stinging. I have been using Restasis successfully now for almost two weeks.

              My eyes are also in much better shape this time than when I previously tried Restasis (thanks due to all the advice given on this website). I have been using scleral lenses, omega 3 supplements, dietary changes, hot compresses, and Thermoeyes. My eyes feel the best they have in years and lately I haven't even needed the scleral lenses. I am very, very happy about this. I have an eye appt next month and will report back if I have an increase in Schirmers or TBUT. Hopefully, I will continue to be able to use the Restasis without any burning. I don't know if I have MGD or not, but I had a very low TBUT. Schirmers with lower plugs was in normal range.
              Last edited by green eyes2; 08-Feb-2007, 22:06.
              Cause of dry eyes: Meibomian Gland Dysfunction


              • #8
                scleral lens

                greeneye, how severe is your dry eye condition? do you think restasis helped at all? you have scleral lens and what's your general wear time and where did you get it? are they comfortable and helpful in giving you relief so you can carry out a normal life? i am desperate and is just starting on restasis but is afraid if it doesn't work, would my last resort be scleral lense? don't know how to obtain lens because i am definitely not qualified for BSF. appreciate your reply. thanks, chris c

