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Restasis /Cyclomune

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  • Restasis /Cyclomune

    Hi there
    This is my first posting so be gentle with me!
    I had Epi lasek treatment on my right eye some 18 months ago. since then I have had dry eye and have tried most things with varying results.
    It seems that the Holy Grail for all UK sufferers is Restasis which is not available here. However I searched the web and bought 3 x 3ml bottles for $60. When they arrived, from India surprisingly, it was a generic substitute called Cyclomune made by Sunpharma. I tried it for 2 weeks and after initial good results, discontinued after my eyes began to burn and my vision was blurred.
    The fact that I would put these into my eyes gives some indications of my desperation!
    Has anyone any information on these drops?
    I have had my 2 lower ducts plugged and I think my next step is to get the upper ones done.
    Dry eye is such a fun illness as you are never quite sure what is triggering it and what is helping it when you do get some relief!
    I think I will be making an appointment with David Crystal in Edinburgh soon to hopefully get some help as the NHS is worse than useless.

    This is a great site by the way.

  • #2
    restasis - some research i did

    Hi Hangus !
    Welcome and sincere sympathies for your problems !
    I wonder if this info might throw light on restasis
    Go into www.dryeyeblog .com - (I hav'nt as yet mastered how to put a website directly into my postings - Sorry Rebecca i promise to learn from your instructions)
    Anyway it is basically saying that a large clinical trial done by a Dr Gilbard of Massachusets US , showed no improvement in dryeye due to lasik, for those who took restasis
    I was interested because i was on the point of getting it from the net for myself - my DE is moderate compared with some people out there(though seems a mega problem for me) and is MGD with allergic factors causing evaporative DE
    Anyway look it up - definately worth reading
    I too am from UK - Very hard to get any satisfaction from our health service
    Your decision to see David Cristal in Edinburgh a good one - He has recommendations from both IANs - members of this chat room
    Best of luck and keep smiling
    PS I am wary of self -treatment with drugs- It is OK for goop and compresses but drugs is a step too far - but how do you get the medical help you need ?????? especially in the UK


    • #3
      Now they tell me! Well I guess £30 is a small price to pay in the neverending search for a solution. Along with the humidifier, clarymist, systane, lacrilube, flax seed oil etc. etc. I must be clocking up quite a bill.
      In common with many people I guess i never knew anything about dry eye until I got it , now I am a world expert!
      I am sure that one day there will be a wonder cure but until then we just move on to the next option hoping that this is the one and trying to keep our chins up.
      Thanks for your reply Stella, it does help to know that one is not alone and others are willing to help.
      I will let you know how I get on in Edinburgh.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Hangus
        I searched the web and bought 3 x 3ml bottles for $60. When they arrived, from India surprisingly, it was a generic substitute called Cyclomune made by Sunpharma.
        Hello, and welcome to Dry Eye Talk!

        I had not heard of this Cyclomune drug--thanks for the information! I did a brief search on Google, trying to find out what preservatives are used in it. I am assuming it has some preservative, because it was dispensed in bottles, not in individual preservative-free vials like Restasis. But I could be wrong. Did your Cyclomune come with any ingredient list?

        I still use Restasis--I guess I'm in that category of people it's supposed to help--older women. The results have been mixed; I only use it once a day.



        • #5
          Only on the web could I be sitting in my computer room in grey old Hartlepool talking to someone in New Mexico about dry eyes!
          The contents are:Cyclosporine USP 0.5 mg
          Benzalkonium Chloride Solution 0.02%
          Solution IP (as preservative)
          Aqueous buffered vehicle.

          I guess there is preservative in it. Since yesterday i have stopped using it and my eyes do feel better today. Ifound it on a website called the Magic Pharmacy and it is also on a site called all day pharmacy. They both look as if they are American sites but the product came in a handwritten envelope from India!
          Thanks for replying. Its nice to know that, like Michael Jackson says, you are not alone!


          • #6
            If you have dry eye you really want to avoid using - on a daily basis anyway - anything with benzalkonium chloride in it. It is one of the most potent preservatives used in ophthalmic drugs and is well known to cause ocular surface damage.
            Rebecca Petris
            The Dry Eye Foundation


            • #7
              Whoops! I only used it for a week or so and the burning was too much. Will my eyes be OK? I guess its a warning to people who see Restasis advertised cheaply especially if, like the UK, you can't get it normally. I thought I was buying Restasis then this Cyclomune came and desperate people do desperate things!
              Thanks for the heads up Rebecca, the search for the cure goes on!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Hangus
                Only on the web could I be sitting in my computer room in grey old Hartlepool talking to someone in New Mexico about dry eyes!
                Hello again. I like very much to hear that you have this "sense of wonder" about talking to somebody far away. I have it, too.



                • #9

                  You and I have a lot in common, we both had epi-lasek, we both have dry eye, we have both tried everything you listed and we both live in the UK, I wouldn't be surprised if we both went to the same clinic.

                  I have certainly improved over the 18 months but I still have a long way to go.

                  I hope your laser clinic is doing something to help you with this. Mine got me Restasis to try.

                  Private message me or send me an email, might be good to compare notes.

                  Take care and welcome. I am pleased that you found this site.




                  • #10

                    Any outcome on your discussion with the laser clinic?




                    • #11
                      Hi Ian
                      So far I have had no reply to my email that I sent to RA. Do you have a email address for him? If so could you PM it to me. The one I have is from the Ebay account 18 months ago and may be out of date. I thought that I may get a response via letter or telephone. If i dont I will drop him a line.
                      I have had a couple of good days but today it has flared up. Having read some of the posts recently I dug out the Clarymist and it does give a little short term relief.
                      Howe you are well


                      • #12

                        I will PM you the contact details I have in the next day or so.

                        Sorry to hear that you have had a flare up, I had a pretty rough time of it on Monday and Tuesday due to the inflammation also.

                        You have my email address if you want to contact me privately.



