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Restasis:based on your condition

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  • Restasis:based on your condition

    Hello everyone,

    I hope that everyone is feeling well today.
    As for me, I have moderate to what seems to be severe dry eye and was considering using Restasis. I am glad I read Dr. Latkany's book because he gave really good advice on the drug. He talks about a patient who had the type of dry eye that restasis was meant for and how it can have an overkill effect on patients with cases that look as though there case of DE is "quieter" but in actuality may be very uncomfortable. This gave me something to think about because it seems as though it makes the difference between those who will be prescribed Restasis and those who will need puntual plugs or other treatment. Restasis is suppose to increase tear production and calm inflammation but I wonder how it works for those whose tears evaporate too rapidly.
    This information informed me a lot because doctors usually don't mention the fact that the drug can be more than what may really be needed. I also realized that it is important to know if you have a decreased production of tears and or quick evaporation rate of tears. I know I have the first one but I need to ask my doctor about the latter. Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I would assume that everyone who has dry eye has some type of inflammation going on but yet everyone doesn't benefit from restasis: A drug that is suppose to eliminate inflammation.
    That said, is anyone else considering restasis or using it now? If so, how is it working, how severe is your condition and has your doctor prescribed other alternatives before prescribing restasis?

  • #2
    Hi DryEyeLady,

    I am going to my eye doctor on Thursday to potentially start a prescription of Restasis, but have the same reservations as you do. I supposedly have both decreased tear production and evaporative issue. My dry eye issues are from refractive surgery and it seems that Restasis is not all that effective for those of us who fall into that category. However, I feel that it is necessary to try everything, cause ya never know what will help. I just don't want to make it worse!! Getting through the day at this point is very, very challenging.

    I am a bit frustrated at how my group of eye doctors do not work very hard to assess the exact cause of my dryness (i.e. MGD versus lacrimal dysfunction, etc.). I am quad plugged and that hasn't done much for me.

    If you find out any additional information, please let me know.


    • #3
      Originally posted by dryeyelady View Post
      Hello everyone,

      I am glad I read Dr. Latkany's book because he gave really good advice on the drug. He talks about a patient who had the type of dry eye that restasis was meant for and how it can have an overkill effect on patients with cases that look as though there case of DE is "quieter" but in actuality may be very uncomfortable. This gave me something to think about because it seems as though it makes the difference between those who will be prescribed Restasis and those who will need puntual plugs or other treatment. Restasis is suppose to increase tear production and calm inflammation but I wonder how it works for those whose tears evaporate too rapidly.
      This information informed me a lot because doctors usually don't mention the fact that the drug can be more than what may really be needed. I also realized that it is important to know if you have a decreased production of tears and or quick evaporation rate of tears. I know I have the first one but I need to ask my doctor about the latter. Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I would assume that everyone who has dry eye has some type of inflammation going on but yet everyone doesn't benefit from restasis: A drug that is suppose to eliminate inflammation.
      That said, is anyone else considering restasis or using it now? If so, how is it working, how severe is your condition and has your doctor prescribed other alternatives before prescribing restasis?
      This is interesting. I have the type of DE where I make enough tears but they evaporate very quickly. I have punctal plugs (have for years) but have also been on Restasis for about 5-6 months and my eyes almost feel worse. I have not read Dr. L's book, but does it say that Restasis is NOT a good option or will help much for people with my condition of DE?


      • #4

        I have no tear production at all and what little there is evaporates so quick that my Doctor almost didn't see it. I have tried just the lubrication drops alone. But those did not seem to help at all. I have only been on Restasis a week, but am not sure yet if it is helping. I hope that you get it all figured out and that things work out for you in the end.


        • #5
          I took restasis for 6-8 months - did nothing for me - I am certain flaxseed oil in double doses helps me -

          The irritation from putting restasis is difficult - one day you say - is this stuff doing any good - or does it just aggravate my eyes more


          • #6
            I have been on restasis for the past 6 months. I have severe allergy that caused dryness. Since I started restasis, I have been much better. I could feel the effect after 2-3 days.

            I have much less irritation from putting it in if the medicine is very cold. Also, I wake up extra early, put it in, go back to sleep for 10-15 minutes and then I am fine. It is annoying, since I have to wake up, go to the fridge and then go back to bed... At night I put it in and stay with my eyes closed for 10 minutes or just go to sleep.


            • #7
              I know it's been a while since anyone posted on this thread. I have been using Restasis and it has helped my condition. I make very few tears and have unstable tear film. These 2 things have led to my vision fluctuating, blurring, and generally being unreliable. I have always had achey, burning eyes, and didn't realize how bad it was until I got relief from it. I am now quadriplugged, using Restasis, and taking supplements. Today I had a near perfect vision day. I felt like my eyesight was reliable. I feel that Restasis has helped me by either creating more tears or making the tear-film more stable, or both. I use one vial over 2 days, which minimizes the cost.


              • #8
                I've just started a trial of restasis. I believe that my dry eye is mostly due to a lack of tears rather than blepharitis. I do have MGD but it's not that bad so I'm hopeful that restasis will help me a lot.

                I had the schermer's test done (think that's how you spell it) just before starting the restasis trial and measured 2 on the left and 3 on the right. The right eye has got a bit worse. It used to be the good eye.

                I will keep you posted of my results. I will also do the schermer's test again in 3 months time so that we have some scientific evidence as to whether restasis is having an effect on my eyes or not. I will keep you posted about the results.


                • #9
                  Restasis discomfort


                  I understand that possible side effects of Restasis are pain, burning & stinging.

                  Those of you have had success with Restasis; if you experienced discomfort, did this improve when the eyes began to produce more tears?


                  • #10
                    Restasis and Dry Eyes

                    I have been using Restasis for approximately 6 months and it helped me with the dry burning I had before I used this drug. I'm wondering about the long-term problems from using this drug. Do you know about any of these aside from burning and blurred vision? My eyes are comfortable now and when I quit the drug for 5 days all the burning symptoms came back.



                    • #11
                      I don't know of the long term effects of Restasis. From what I have read, there are still intricacies of treatment that they have yet to explore - but I imagine one objective is reduce its use and still maintain control. It needs to be used by thousands of people to get an idea of this.

                      Living in the UK, we cannot get hold of Restasis easily because it isn't licensed here yet. Having said that, ophthalmologists are able to prescribe cyclosporine in ointment form because it is available to vets. (Yes - it's OK for us to use the animal version !) I had to give up on that because of hypersensitivity to some of the other `ingredients' - I think white paraffin was the main culprit.

