I been off restatis for approx 9 months. My symptoms are minor; burning/watery eyes after working all day usually in the evening. I saw Dr.L and he said I can take restatis forever for my MGD. Due the cost, I wonder if it's worth it? At some point, I will have to stop. Is it wrong to think of restatis as just a band-aid or should I try a lengthy(years) treatment? Thanks.!!!!
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Restatsis- Stay on or stop?
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Is Restasis even proven to improve MGD? My impression was that it is for aqueous deficiency. I'm taking it right now with my MGD/postbleph because I did notice a slight decrease in irritation when I first started but I don't plan on staying on it for more than 3 months. I'm putting my hope in doxy and warm compresses... and in a few weeks Azasite... and in a few months DHEA. Unless I'm cured or 95% better, whichever comes first.
God I hope I can get better.
No one here can give medical advise, unless it is Dr. L. and he probably would not without speaking with you personally. From what I have read, Restasis is sometimes given to people with MGD to reduce the inflammation that is contributing to the blocked meibomium glands. Tetracycline/doxy is prescribed for the same reason.Every day with DES is like a box of chocolates...You never know what you're going to get.