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restasis alters eye??

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  • restasis alters eye??

    Last week, my doctor told me that I have dry eye. I knew that my eyes were always dry, and that they seemed to be getting worse since the frequency of using artificial tears keeps increasing.
    He told me that these artificial tears will do nothing and my eyes will eventually become so unbearably uncomfortable. He told me that Restasis is the only thing that will help. He told me that I have to make a lifelong commitment to this, and as scared as I was by his dramatics about the topic, I agreed. He told me, however, that Restasis "alters the physiology of the eye". So, my expensive prescription is filled, and now I am wondering, what does that mean that it "alters" my eye? Is this alteration reversible if I stopped taking the drops? Right now, my eyes produce not enough tears, but I wonder if I stop the restasis (I havent started it yet), will my eyes return to the way they were, or are they permanently altered to the point where they will not produce ANY tears on their own?
    I'm now afraid to start these drops, but also afraid not too?
    Does anyone have experience starting these, and then stopping them?

  • #2
    I don't know exactly what he meant by that, but I wasn't thrilled either with the prospect of taking this "forever." It has helped me though. I have been on it now for about three months, and I do believe it has helped to stabilize my tear film. I also have MGD, most likely from occular rosacea. I used to haved such terrible burning. I found no relief from the drops except for soothe by B&L. I also use lacriserts and found them to be very helpful. I think they may have helped to stabilize my tear film as well.

    I remember reading one post that said, "If you were a diabetic, you would take insulin." I guess I have to think of it this way as well. I have never taken meds in my life, and I am not thrilled, but I don't really have an option at this point.

    In your case, it may not be forever. You may respond very well, and may be able to taper down to once a day.

    There are many old posts about restasis and stopping and starting if you do a quick search.

    Best wishes,


    • #3
      How is Restassis supposed to work?

      This is my second round with Restassis. The first time I was on it for about 3 months and it did nothing for me. Now I am on Round 2 for about 2 months now and again no results. If it is an antibiotic (cyclosporin) why would it take 2 months or longer to get results? Most most antibiotics start to work in 2-3 days. It is extremely expensive as well. It seems that the only thing that works for me is waiting for warmer weather to arrive in the North. Winters are the worst.


      • #4
        For me, it has taken a while as well. From what I gather, restasis is an immune suppressant that fights the inflammation that causes the dry eye so it is not really working as an antibiotic but as an anti-inflammatory drop. My dry eye was caused by inflammation of my MGs and possibly occular rosacea. So, maybe that's why it is working. My doc said that it could take more than 6 months to take effect. I'm not sure exactly how many more tears it is making for me, but it is having a positive effect on my tear film - stabilizing it because the burning has definitely decreased.

        Hang in there a while longer. I would give it at least 6 months. I get almost three days out of one little vile; I stretch it because it is so expensive. I just pray it doesn't have any long term negative side effects.

        Hope that helped a little,


        • #5
          Restasis is not an antibiotic. There was a debate on this several years ago on this website. I claimed it was not an antibiotic and someone (or more) thought it was. I was right. Just to save you some time researching this.
          Don't trust any refractive surgeon with YOUR eyes.

          The Dry Eye Queen


          • #6
            Well, on the one hand, your doctor is diagnosing you with dry eye and trying to do something about it, which seems to be a bit unusual! On the other hand, he/she is incorrect to state that Restasis is the only thing that can be done to treat dry eyes.

            Spending some time on here will give you a better idea of what can be done as well as some questions you can ask next time you go.

            Lucy is right that Restasis is not an antibiotic. It is a powerful immunosupressant.

            I think it is a good first step. It can take months to start working, so just be patient. I've been on it for about 2 years now, and it has really helped me. I haven't thought of going off of it and have resigned myself to maintaining my current regimen for the foreseeable future.

            One more note: you should try to determine the cause of your dry eye, and then treatments can be tailored to your specific problem. If you have an aqueous deficiency, then Restasis and punctal plugs may be helpful. Restasis will not help if you have plenty of tears but have an evaporative problem (such as with MGD).



            • #7
              Doesn't it sort of ...bug anyone that the only treatment for dry eye is a powerful immunosuppressant????
              I scared of those kind of things Big Pharma comes up with. I tried the stuff several years ago, but I changed my diet and HRT instead.

              I'm in a flare-up now because of a reaction to dilation drops from an eye exam, but I really don't know if I'd go as far as Restasis again.... Am I being reactionary?


              • #8
                Restasis can work for MGD

                All -

                It is not exactly correct to say that Restasis does not work for evaporative problems. Restasis can be very helpful to relieve inflammation from ocular rosacea and MGD. There is a clinical trial being conducted for Restasis and ocular rosacea, and usually these trials are conducted when they (Allergan) knows that they are going to be positive - they only like to spend money when they pretty much know the outcome.

                As for being bothered about putting an immunosuppressant in my chronically inflamed, painful eyes...Not as bothered as I am at the prospect of the long-term damage from chronic inflammation - epithelial thinning and melting, conjunctival and corneal neovascularization, screaming pain, and oh yeah, blindness....We need to use all of the options open to us to get us healthy and functional. I am open to alternative options but feel that foregoing "big pharma" on principle is about as irrational as believing in healing by the "laying on of hands" that I see on TV on Sunday morning.

                Just my opinion.


                • #9

                  When you put it like that, (long-term damage from chronic inflammation - epithelial thinning and melting, conjunctival and corneal neovascularization, screaming pain, and oh yeah, blindness....), I agree - I'll stick to the restasis too....

                  I believe it has helped with my occular rosacea to a point.


