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Do I need RX Steroids to recover from Rebound Hypermia?

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  • Do I need RX Steroids to recover from Rebound Hypermia?

    For the last 3-4 years I have been using Vasoconstricters such as Visine, Clear Eyes, Opcon-A etc. At the time I did not know the harmful effects that these products had and pretty much used them whenever I wanted to. I am now seriously suffering the consequences of not using these drugs with caution. I beleived I developed a case of Rebound Hyperemia and Dry eyes at the same time. The use of these products have left my eyes very very bloodshot and very dry every single day. The only way I can get my eyes to look even remotely normal is if I use these drops.

    About 2 weeks ago I quit the vaso's cold turkey. After a week they started to look slightly better. The red veins were still in my eyes and still noticable, but they did not look as inflamed as they had before. To subsitute for the vaso's I started using drops like Systane, Optive. Soothe XP and Thera Tears to ease the dryness in my eyes. These drops had very minimal effects and had my dropping them into my eyes 8+ times a day. For the past 3-4 days my eyes have been more red than usual. They are suddenly worse than they were after the first week of quiting the vaso's. I beleive this could be from the preservatives in the systane. I swtiched to preservatives free Thera Tears who help slightly with the redness but only lasts about 5-10 min and the redness immediately comes back.

    Things that irritate and make my eyes eve more red and dry are
    - wind/air from fans
    - bright lighting
    - air conditioners
    - computer use (even after only 10-15 minutes)
    - short amount of sleep (under 8 hours)

    My eyes are red and dry when I wake up, but dim down slightly as I wake up more. I cant go on living like this. I feel like a freak when people see me and I have these nasty, bloodshot eyes. I went to an eye doctor about a year ago for this same problem and he seemed to think it was allergies so he prescribed me patanol, which did nothing really. Do I need RX-Steroid drops to get through this Rebound Hyperemia? Its been two weeks with no vaso's and my eyes are still extremely inflamed/red/dry and irritated. An optometrist a year ago gave me Tobradex which didnt help. Could Lotemax help me in this situation?