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Danon, what's the nature of the financial assistance you're referring to please?
Thank you DANON I am not really close this year to my deductible but after the first of the year I have to have some tests ran and I will have met it then. I have printed off some coupons to try to get it cheaper. I understand the bottle only lasts about 2 weeks. How ofter did you take it ? I will email you if I need to fill it. Can you get it cheaper some how ??
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Azasite has done wonders for me. It cannot be applied for long periods as it is a pretty strong anti-biotic and your eyes will grow sensitive to it. It burns at first, which is actually the medicine going into your glands and unclogging them. If you or anyone else is having trouble filling this prescription because of GEO or financial obstacles...then email me - I can help you.
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My Dr has given my a script for this but does not want me to fill it unless the steriods do not help. Is this good for MGD ?? How often do you have to take it ? He wrote mine for BID. I do not have drug coverage until I reach my deductible and I know this is crazy expensive. Any comments on this medication ? He said some pleople take this indefinitly ? Anyone on here take it all the time fi so how many times a day ?Tags: None
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