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Should I Try Scleral Lenses For My Dry Eyes?

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  • Should I Try Scleral Lenses For My Dry Eyes?

    Hi there,

    I'm going to keep this as short and sweet as possible to not use too much of anyone's time.

    - I've had dry eyes since I was 20 years old, I am now 23.
    - I've tried all sorts of eye drops, and nothing has worked, including cyclosporine eye drops.
    - I have good days and bad days, but most of the time, I'm in constant pain.
    - I can't keep on living like this, I need to resolve this problem because every aspect of my life (social, financial, etc.) is in ruin right now because of my eyes.

    I've recently started wearing swimming goggles 24/7, and when I have them on, I feel no pain! It's absolutely incredible. I strongly believe the air is what is drying out my eyes. I look silly, but at least I don't feel pain. Now all I need is a way to get rid of these goggles so I don't look silly in public. By the way, this is not a seasonal thing, my eyes hurt all 12 months of the year if I'm not wearing the goggles.

    Are scleral lenses the cure for me? If not, any other suggestions?

    A few other things about me and questions I have:
    - I've seen 3 different ophthalmologists, none of which have cured me yet.
    - The swimming goggles are a substitute for moisture chambers, which is where I got the idea from.
    - I plan on speaking to my current eye doctor about scleral lenses very soon.
    - I live in Victoria BC Canada (near Vancouver on the west coast) and I'm wondering if someone could tell me where I could get the scleral lenses, at the most affordable price. In Canada would be best I think because of my Canadian medical coverage, but it may be possible for me to travel to the USA and still be covered. I'm hoping I don't have to travel to Boston to do this, but if I must I will, because really I'll do just about anything to cure myself of this horrible pain.

    Thank you so much in advance to anyone who replies.

  • #2
    I don't have any experience with sclerals, but if you're looking for something to tide you over in the meantime (instead of swimming goggles), maybe you could find someone to make you custom moisture chambers. Click on my blog entry (upper right corner of my post)... I've got pics of them there.

    Another poster here had printed off those pics and brought them around to a few opticians until he found someone to make them.

    For info on what materials are needed and how to make them, you can check out my thread about it here:

    Another alternative (less expensive than custom ones) is MEGS. I wore them until I got my custom ones, and they help for sure.


    • #3
      SAAG, your moisture chambers look really nice. Women are lucky - there are more options available for you guys in thick temples. All the custom moisture chambers I've seen for men go around thin wire frames and look really obvious.


      • #4
        Tankie, I just sent you a PM... check your messages!

        Rob... don't they make glasses with the wider side arms for guys too? If I'm mistaken, then don't mind me ... I guess I haven't really been paying attention to guys' glasses these days... been too busy comparing mine to what all the other lucky "normal" women out there are wearing! But I could have sworn that my brother-in-law's glasses have wide side arms... maybe I'm wrong... hmmm....

        These are just normal glasses off the shelf.... same as what anyone else would buy, but the optician just grinded down the lenses more to make room for the plastic to fit in there (between the frame and lens). I guess they only catch is that the frame part that goes around the lenses has to be metal (not plastic)... better to work with for getting the plastic moisture chamber part in there.


        • #5
          Wow, what kindness! Thank you so much SAAG. I really appreciate your help, and any help from others that's yet to come.

          One thing, I viewed your blog but I don't have permission to view the pictures of the moisture chambers. Is there any chance you could email me the pictures? I'll send you my email address in a PM.

          By the way, I read your PM and took a note of the information. Thank you so much! You have no idea how much I appreciate your help!

