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Vision Problems

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  • Vision Problems

    This is my first time posting. I have been trying many different fittings of the scleral lens since July. I went with a local Doctor, not the Boston lenses. Finally, my doctor has found a good fit and I do not get air bubbles. As a result I have been wearing the lenses longer and even at work. I tried the lenses to help combat my dry eyes. I was no longer able to wear my gas perm lenses. These new lenses have helped with my dry eyes, but I am having some other difficulties:

    1. My vision is terrible. My job requires 90% computer work and with the lenses in I cannot read my computer screen. I have increased the font size, but I still get a very blurry picture. When I'm driving and look at the green light from the traffic signal I see a double image. This occurs for both lenses. Even in the doctors office when I look at the eye chart most of the letters are blurry. My doctor says that he cannot increase my vision any more. Does anyone else have this problem with these lenses?

    2. After about an hour I start to get debris build up on the inside of the lens. After a few hours my vision is very foggy. I have taken the lenses out and refilled with fresh solution, but the debris comes back pretty quick. My doctor says this is due to my dry eyes and has put my on Restasis. After a month on the drops the problem has not improved. Is this a major issue for anyone else? Is this due to a tight fitment not letting the debris out?

    3. When I remove the lenses I get instant blood shot eyes. This extreme redness last throughout the night. Does this happen to anyone else?

    Thank you for your help.

  • #2
    I don't have any answers for you, J.T.J, but I can tell you what my doc said about the fogginess. I have been working towards getting a good fit with fair vision for about 5 months. This last set of lenses was the best so far but vision quality is not great and they are fogging up within 15 to 30 minutes. His explanation was that the lenses were too loose and debris was getting under the lens. Good for tear transfer but bad for vision. His fix is to tighten up the lenses a bit, something I'm not at all excited about. I had sclerals stuck to my eyes from a fit that was too tight and it scared the heck outta me.

    I also have ghosting in both eyes.

    Are you post Lasik or are the lenses to help specifically with DE?


    • #3
      Originally posted by J.T.J View Post
      1. My vision is terrible..... My doctor says that he cannot increase my vision any more.
      Have you had a refraction (that's the better 1, better 2? test with the lens machine) while wearing the lenses? If not, they need to do this. If so, were they able to clear your vision by putting lenses in front? If not, I would suspect there's something pretty fundamental wrong with the lens fit and/or design because scleral lenses are supposed to improve vision. If they can clear your vision with lenses, but can't put your prescription in the lenses, can you wear glasses?

      After about an hour I start to get debris build up on the inside of the lens. After a few hours my vision is very foggy. I have taken the lenses out and refilled with fresh solution, but the debris comes back pretty quick. My doctor says this is due to my dry eyes and has put my on Restasis. After a month on the drops the problem has not improved. Is this a major issue for anyone else? Is this due to a tight fitment not letting the debris out?
      Sounds like fit. But if you're dry that could also be a factor. Ask your doctor if the lenses are plasma treated. I once accidentally got a lens that was NOT plasma treated and it fogged very quickly.

      You said fogging but also mentioned debris. Are you getting both? - Debris collection can sometimes be impeded by putting some thicker solution in the lenses. Fogging's different.

      When I remove the lenses I get instant blood shot eyes. This extreme redness last throughout the night. Does this happen to anyone else?
      That does not sound good. What is your doctor saying about it?

      What size lens is this? Is it resting only on the sclera or is it resting partly on the cornea?
      Rebecca Petris
      The Dry Eye Foundation


      • #4
        I have not had the refraction test on the lenses. I do not have fogging, just the debris. I have not brought up the blood shot eyes either. Both lenses are around 18 in diameter and resting on the white. I have an appointment in a week and will be bringing up all these issues. I just wanted to gauge if these are common issues and if they are fixable.

        Is normal vision to be expected with these lenses?

        I am also out of the warranty period (90 days) with the lenses and not sure if my doctor will make me pay for any additional adjustments. Insurance denied my claim and I'm already out 2k for the lenses. Has anyone else had good luck with insurance paying with a diagnosis of dry eyes?

        At this point I'm thinking I should have gone with the Boston lenses and their expertise.

