Has anyone had poor vision results with Sclerals (maybe I should say mini-sclerals) that were attributed to weak corneas?
I have been fitted with 6 different Mini-sclerals and the best I have achieved is mildly blurry vision in on eye and clear vision in the other that goes blurry about 45 minutes after lens insertion. My doctor seems to think I may benefit from Corneal Cross-linking and by that I'm guessing he thinks I have weak corneas....? I don't have any bulging or distortion of the cornea.... yet.
I have been fitted with 6 different Mini-sclerals and the best I have achieved is mildly blurry vision in on eye and clear vision in the other that goes blurry about 45 minutes after lens insertion. My doctor seems to think I may benefit from Corneal Cross-linking and by that I'm guessing he thinks I have weak corneas....? I don't have any bulging or distortion of the cornea.... yet.