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My Trip to Doheny Eye Center for PROSE

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  • My Trip to Doheny Eye Center for PROSE

    I went to USC yesterday & the Doheny Eye Center to check out the PROSE lenses. The consultation was covered by my insurance, so this appointment was only $30.

    I've heard that the Boston Center For Sight is an amazing building, and you get a good feeling when you walk in there and are helped by their staff. I don't want to condemn the Doheny center, but their building & facility was pretty standard. I guess I just expected more... no biggie. Guess the angels & symphony orchestra had the day off.

    Anyway, Dr. Gloria Chiu is in charge of the PROSE lenses over there. She was very helpful and answered all my questions, though I have to say I felt a tiny bit rushed trying the lenses on. I had figured the appointment would have been a bit longer with more time to test out the lenses.

    But to make a long story short, they did not work for me. I don't know why... my eyes just seemed to dry out after about 5-10 minutes of wearing the lenses. They went in the eye easy, though the edges were a bit noticeable. In the end, it was hard for me to tell if that would have been an issue wearing them for 8-hours a day or if it would be adaptable... without me drying out in 10 minutes anyway.

    The test lenses seemed to be generally comfortable at first, though there was a bit of a suction-feeling on the eye with the lens in. Once I had them in, I didn't really notice the saline in the eye, and vision was fine (though the lenses were not set to my prescription, so it was a tiny bit blurry). Anyone worrying about what it looks like when your eye is sitting in a pool or saline... it looks 100% normal. But yeah, after a while, I couldn't stand having the lenses in. Boo.

    My eyes were a bit irritated after, and even today they are a bit "meh." But I'll get over it.

    I do seem to be slowly improving regarding my condition with Restasis, so that's a big plus and reason for optimism. I wish the PROSE lenses were the answer I was looking for though.
    Last edited by MartyM1985; 24-May-2013, 16:04.
    32/M ATD • Getting better every day!

  • #2
    I also had a fitting today for sclerals. I am also unsure what to first he used dye to help him see the fit. The staining always burns my eyes so it burned and had to take them out..Then we tried them with no dye and they eventually went in okay... I couldn't really feel them either. My eye did maybe feel a BIT better but I don't know, I couldn't decide. Anyway, I'm in Canada and once they are ordered (from the U.S,) you can return them within six months for almost a whole refund! (I was shocked) so I ordered them to see if I could pull it off eventually. my eyes were a little red and irritated due to all the lenses going in and out for over an hour. They were sore after also. I will try them out for a while once they come in...if I can return them after, I may as well see ...serum is still the best thing I have tried out..

