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Advice on Sclerals, from those who use them

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  • Advice on Sclerals, from those who use them

    Hi everyone,

    So I have been using scleral lenses (16.5mm) for 3days now. When I have them in there is relief and very little redness. However, when I take them out I am getting a bit of a rebound dryness slash redness and I'm scared. Does this get better? I feel like the lenses fit as I don't really feel the edges or have much redness it's taking them out that's the issue.

    Has the rebound gotten better for u? How long did it take?

  • #2
    Hi Faith,

    I have been wearing sclerals from BFS since October. I got them tweaked in March and things have been going pretty well. Are you having trouble taking them out and perhaps that is causing the redness? I had trouble removing one lens and had a lot of redness until I figured out what I was doing wrong. I also use a bit of ointment right after removal and that seems to help as well. My eyes feel pretty good after the lenses have been in all day because my corneas as being bathed in the saline, but the dryness does kick back in after an hour or so. Perhaps when you wear them a little longer during the day, the dryness will get better.


    • #3
      Thanks for the reply. Today wasn't as bad with the rebound. I am easing into it slowly as my eyes are very sensitive. I feel like if my lense was a bit bigger it would be better. When I go back in a few weeks I may ask to try a 17.5 to cover a bit more. I do have trouble taking them out yes, and I think I may be irritating them doing so.

      Do u have any tips for me to remove it better? Again thank u for the reply.


      • #4
        Interesting what you said about the bigger lens. When I went back to Boston in March, the doctor thought the discomfort I was having was due to a dry spot outside the lens. He made a new lens as big as possible( what the machine would allow, I do not know the size) and that does seem to help. Doc said that if they ever make a lens that would cover most of the sclera, I would be the first to know, LOL! Anyhow, when I remove the lenses, I use a lot of artificial tears in the eye and one drop on the plunger. I then look straight ahead into a large mirror and position the plunger in the 6'oclock position. I look down slightly and then sort of flick my wrist so the "seal" is broken. It's kind of hard to explain..... Do you use serum drops? I do, and prior to insertion, I put a drop in both eyes and then immediatley insert the devices. Also, few drops of celluvisc inside the lens makes them a little more wearable. Eventually, you will learn how to "squeegee" the lenses for added comfort. Hope this helps!


        • #5
          The only pain I feel now is the tiny spot at the edge of my eye the lense doesn't cover. I have small eyes so a 16.5mm lense covers most of my eye. I called the company who makes my lenses and said they could make me a 17.5 mm just for an exchange price of 200.00 and I get to keep both sets! I was better at removing the lense today. I wasn't wetting the plunger lol so it wasn't sticking. (Duh) lol I do use serum as well. I will try some cellulosic in the lense next time I put them on. For the time being, I am "babying" my eyes when they are out. I get to see the doctor on Monday to try on a bigger pair. I feel like if they were just a bit bigger it would be perfect. I have Asian type eyes. (Although I'm not) hah they are smaller..which I guess is a good thing when the eye is dry!


          • #6
            I have had mine a little over a week now. What a difference! If you are in pain I would recommend trying sclerals. I am confused when re: size of lenses. My eyes were scanned and the lens was made for my eyes. I am wearing them about 12 hours now. Do the serum drops help? Have not tried those yet.


            • #7
              Mine are 18 mm and find difficult to insert and mostly taking them off just the first weeks. Is pretty much better doing with the insert-removing tool. I wear them all the day, since early morning to late night. Sometimes have to remove them, clean and reinsert, but just sometimes.


              • #8
                Mine are 15.8mm from MSD! Im very happy with them!

