Hey Neil,
What is hyperesthesia of the sclera ?? I have had my Boston Sclerals for a year now, and while they're in, no probs EXCEPT for this almost unrelenting terrible burning on the exposed white of the eye, (mostly the left)the triangle part facing the nose. I kind of live in a bubble and goggle world right now.
My sclerals are 18 mm, and I was kind of begging BSF for larger ones but they said that they probably wouldn't work because the burning is probably not from dryness but something else....and besides, they haven't seen peripheral burning improve with a larger lens.
The plot thickens when Dr. Tseng in Fla. said that the burning was due to meiboiman gland nonfunction due to changed stem cells and would always burn because of the dryness.
The plot thickens further when Dr. Johns totally disagreed with what Dr. Tseng said, and then said the scleral burning is impossible because the sclera is insensitive. Oh, really??
Sorry this is long, but you threw a new word in here that may be of help to me in my never-ending quest of the burning question.
I should add that I have severe Sjogren's dry eye. Maybe that throws a wrench into the works, I dunno.
What is hyperesthesia of the sclera ?? I have had my Boston Sclerals for a year now, and while they're in, no probs EXCEPT for this almost unrelenting terrible burning on the exposed white of the eye, (mostly the left)the triangle part facing the nose. I kind of live in a bubble and goggle world right now.
My sclerals are 18 mm, and I was kind of begging BSF for larger ones but they said that they probably wouldn't work because the burning is probably not from dryness but something else....and besides, they haven't seen peripheral burning improve with a larger lens.
The plot thickens when Dr. Tseng in Fla. said that the burning was due to meiboiman gland nonfunction due to changed stem cells and would always burn because of the dryness.
The plot thickens further when Dr. Johns totally disagreed with what Dr. Tseng said, and then said the scleral burning is impossible because the sclera is insensitive. Oh, really??
Sorry this is long, but you threw a new word in here that may be of help to me in my never-ending quest of the burning question.
I should add that I have severe Sjogren's dry eye. Maybe that throws a wrench into the works, I dunno.