Originally posted by neil0502

so you jump into a swimming pool (i have further comments on that!

Although i understand that you want to enjoy things including the pool, please don't loose sight that using sclerals you are more prone to infection and you may retain chlorine (from the pool) and other nasty stuff in the lenses. This besides the $8.000 value as Lucy pointed out...
So, really I hate being a pain in *** here but don't go underwater with your lenses unless you use safety goggles.
You know chlorine as in Benzalkonium chloride: toxic, toxic, toxic... it's meant to kill germs... it should ring, ring, ring a serious Pavlov bell, my friend...what happened?
Enjoy your new life but play safe and maybe you won't break one thing to fix another. Sorry about the professoral speech... and I do understand your enthusiasm but that time you didn't channeled it through your brain.
Edit: I just saw Lucy's post more thouroughly, so sorry to go over again what she said partially... but you deserve it (in both meanings this may have).