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Sclera success!!

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  • Sclera success!!

    I love boston foundation for sight!!!! I have a schirmer of 0 and i would never know it anymore!! My life has completely gone back to normal! I wake up and put the lenses in my eye and they stay comfortable for 12+ hours!! The staff at the foundation are amazing and very understanding! Before this experience i had a hard time getting out of bed let alone going to work! Now I have my life back! Also an added bonus is when I put my lenses in they cover up all my eye redness! I have actually had many compliments on my eyes lately. Pretty funny considering they are what cause me so much pain!

    I hope everyone finds some relief! I'm a 23 yr old who has struggled with this for over a year and I am so happy for a solution!

  • #2
    That is awesome news!!! I'm also a young dry eye sufferer (accutane induced). How did you develop dry eye?


    • #3
      Erinlins I am absolutely thrilled for you. I just love real turnaround stories like this, and as an unabashed fan of BFS, I love hearing of their successes especially in this relatively new territory of sclerals for dry eye.

      The solutions are different for different people but the important thing to know is we all have hope.
      Rebecca Petris
      The Dry Eye Foundation


      • #4
        Thank you!

        How do you make them to cover the redness? I also have extreme dry eyes and suffer from redness a lot. I once wrote an email to the scleral lenses specialist in London to ask if scleral lenses would be suitable for me. He said its quite possible the lenses would cause more redness and uncomfort due to the contact to sclerals.
        And if I read the posts here about scleral lenses, I got a lot of information telling the uncomfort and redness. Against the redness I know someone here got lenses with white outer part, which should hide the redness. But she said she could not turn the color part of eyes to the corner.
        Could you please give us more information? If your schimier is 0, how do you keep your eyes moist with lenses? And how did you have the white painting?


        • #5
          Hey everyone---answer to questions

          I really don't know how I got dry eye. It literally happened over night. My brother (21yrs old) has the same condition and is in the process of getting fitted for the scleras too. The only possible cause I could think of would be long term contact use.

          I really don't have any problem with keeping the lens moist so far. This is amazing b/c any other lens drys up in minutes. I am a strange case though because when the foundation looked at my eyes they saw no clinical signs of dry eye. They were suprised to find that I actually had a schirmer of 0.

          My eyes feel better than they have in years. I no longer have to worry about them at all. They keep the sensitive cornea moist and rest on the insensitive sclera.

          As the redness goes, when I look at my eye with the lenses in they appear to be slightly tinted. But more importantly I am happy that I actually can keep my eyes open again!


          • #6
            erinlins- this is such great news! i am encouraged to hear that things are going so well. i am similar in that my eyes look fine- no one really believes me when i say they hurt so bad- except the eye doctor that does the tear break up time, they are healthy in everyway except for not producing enough oil...anyway, i am being fitted for sclerals in 2 weeks, then it takes almost a month to get them...i cant wait but am also worried that they wont work...did you know at the fitting that they felt good? can you, if you get a chance, explain a little about the adjustment you had to them and how they feel (on a scale of 1-10)? And, you mentioned a tint...are the lenses making your eyes pinker?


            • #7
              anyone got a sceral contact in london they recommend? if so, would appreciate the details if you don't mind passing them on.

              just keep swimming...


              • #8


                • #9
                  Adjustment time


                  When I had the trial lenses put in my eye for the first time I felt all the burning and stinging imediately go away. However, the lens itself did not feel well. I could feel the edges and it was irritating, but not as irritating as the burning. However, by the fourth day they fit the lens to my eye and I can't even feel them. They feel better than the contacts I use to wear when I was little and had a lot of tears. I do need to put drops in them, however, toward the end of the day.

                  As far as redness goes, they do get pinkish after wearing the lenses. However, it is completely gone in the morning.

                  Hope this helps and good luck to you!



                  • #10
                    I've had 2 fittings for scleral lenses. They each had a bubble of air in them and my vision was blurred. The 2nd one was pretty uncomfortable. I'm going for a 3rd fitting without much hope. I go to the U of Illinois. Is Boston known for being the best place to go for these?


                    • #11

                      hi i too experience redness from dry eyes, how do the scleral lenses help with that? Are they very comfortable and make your eyes whiter?
                      I heard scleral lenses make your eyes look bigger, is that true?
                      I dont think my eye dryness is as severe as yours, i can open my eyes but just blink more often than usual because of tears defiency and some degree of MGD. I just dont want to get scleral lenses to try treat my dry eyes and redness if it is going to make the redness worse. what do you suggest?


                      • #12
                        sleeping with the lenses

                        Just another question, can you actually sleep with the lenses at night to keep the eyes moist and comfortable?


                        • #13
                          I've had 2 fittings for scleral lenses. They each had a bubble of air in them and my vision was blurred. The 2nd one was pretty uncomfortable. I'm going for a 3rd fitting without much hope. I go to the U of Illinois. Is Boston known for being the best place to go for these?
                          Sclerals are rarely a perfect fit with the first lens. A well fitting lens will not get bubbles or be uncomfortable. But there are differences in design and fitting methods that can make it more (or less) efficient getting to the endpoint.

                          hi i too experience redness from dry eyes, how do the scleral lenses help with that? Are they very comfortable and make your eyes whiter?
                          I heard scleral lenses make your eyes look bigger, is that true?
                          Sclerals don't make your eyes look bigger, unless you have excessively large or strangely shaped lenses for some reason. I wear 18.5mm BFS sclerals and you'd never know I was wearing any lens unless you looked very closely.

                          I don't think many doctors would fit sclerals if the main reason was redness (cosmetic) but if the redness is from extreme dryness or similar condition then it should definitely be improved by wearing them. The exposed part of the sclera won't necessarily improve though.

                          A well fitting lens can be perfectly comfortable.

                          can you actually sleep with the lenses at night to keep the eyes moist and comfortable?
                          No. Sclerals can't be worn during sleep. Or at any rate they're not supposed to be!
                          Rebecca Petris
                          The Dry Eye Foundation

