I started a thread somewhere else on this topic, and today I wanted to add another case.
This gentleman came to me last week with severe graft vs. host disease following bone marrow transplantation for acute myelogenous leukemia. At presentation, he was suffering from severe dry eye, and was wearing tight fitting goggles. He stated that he was using artifical tears nearly every 5 minutes, and when he removed his goggles he could barely keep his eyes open. He had severe keratitis wherever his corneas came into contact with his eyelids, and an ulcer was present in his left cornea. After trying several contact lenses, the O2Optix were the most comfortable. Along with the lenses, he was instructed to instill a topical antibiotic 4 times/day, and rewetting drops PRN.
Today, one week later, his condition was dramatically improved. He wears the lenses approximately 10 to 12 hours/day, and has only mild discomfort at the end of that period. His eyedrop useage has decreased to once/hour, and the goggles are history. The ulcer is healed, and the keratitis is much improved along with his vision. We're just going to maintain this course for the time being.
This gentleman came to me last week with severe graft vs. host disease following bone marrow transplantation for acute myelogenous leukemia. At presentation, he was suffering from severe dry eye, and was wearing tight fitting goggles. He stated that he was using artifical tears nearly every 5 minutes, and when he removed his goggles he could barely keep his eyes open. He had severe keratitis wherever his corneas came into contact with his eyelids, and an ulcer was present in his left cornea. After trying several contact lenses, the O2Optix were the most comfortable. Along with the lenses, he was instructed to instill a topical antibiotic 4 times/day, and rewetting drops PRN.
Today, one week later, his condition was dramatically improved. He wears the lenses approximately 10 to 12 hours/day, and has only mild discomfort at the end of that period. His eyedrop useage has decreased to once/hour, and the goggles are history. The ulcer is healed, and the keratitis is much improved along with his vision. We're just going to maintain this course for the time being.