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Visian ICL- myopia to HQ vision

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  • Visian ICL- myopia to HQ vision

    High Definition Visian™
    Quality of Vision Excellence – High Definition Visian™
    The Visian ICL offers vision correction that’s sharper, clearer, more vivid, and has greater depth and dimension than other procedures. The main advantage of the Visian ICL over traditional corrective laser eye surgery is that patients may experience significant improvement in quality of vision after the lens is implanted 1. When compared to the results of corneal refractive surgery, the Visian ICL may produce superior vision quality as evidenced by fewer higher order aberrations 2. Patients experience a nearly immediate visual recovery and “Wow!” results.

    I looked into my bath room mirrors to get a side view and it looks like I have plenty of room for this implant(3mm). This operation is for people with dry eye and myopia. Lasik is not for people with dry eyes and high levels of myopia.
    These videos really give you the idea, a quick operation and you can see right away. PRK takes 3-4 weeks to work, and can require a second touch up. This implant can be removed if it is the wrong strength. Must see videos,
    Avoiding LASIK Dry Eyes with Visian Implantable Contact Lens
    Visian ICL for "HD" or "Hi-Definition" Vision (this guy is the same age as me)
    Ideal for younger people, this guy has the operation done for free to become a fire fighter.
    Visian ICL - LASIK Alternative for Actor Chris Reid
    This woman was teased as a kid for wearing glasses(JUST LIKE I WAS) and she has dry eye from contacts(SO DO I)

    Frank Gallina is one of EyeCare 20/20's go to guys. Whenever a patient is considering having an ICL implant to improve their vision, Frank is the person who we recommend they speak with. Frank was a -12 myope who came in for a LASIK screening, he was not a candidate. The ICL option was offered to him, he did it, and the results are awesome. We even posted a letter Frank wrote us last year about his vision.

    Frank is now 3 years post op. His vision is still 20/20 without glasses. Frank was nice enough to talk about his ICL experience with me on this video.
    This would be perfect for me, Am I a candidate? I don't see why not! I have plenty of room for this. My eyes pop out and are not flat! I have plenty of anterior depth to my eyes, 3mm is the minimum. $10,000 is not out of my price range. I'm going to see DR if this can be done for me.

  • #2
    I thought that with every surgery there is a risk for dry eyes...


    • #3
      Hello Sanna,

      You are probably right, but the risk level varies and there are many causes of dry eye. LASIK is the worst surgery because almost all of the corneal nerves are cut when the flap is created. Nerves do re-grow, but only from the flap hinge area where they were not severed.

      Phoenix, AZ


      • #4
        I remember first hearing about this about 10 years ago when it was done on the first patient ever. It sounds super cool...sounds like its getting more common. As with most elective things, I personally like to wait a while and see if any risks or damage occurs before I take the plunge. If you do it, exercise caution, and let us know how it went!

