has anyone had amniotic membrane surgery?
Hello, I am new to the web site and I would like to know if nayone has had the amniotic membrane surgery? I am going to have the surgery next month with Dr. Tseng and would like to know what to expect. I have severe dry eye and redness that has haunted me for about two years. I have had a pingueculea removed and been diagnosed with blepharitis. I have been using the tea tree essential oil weekly along with the tea tree shampoo every day twice daily. When I had the pingueculea removed I developed some wrinkling of the conjunctiva and now I am contemplating surgery. I would like to know if anyone has had success with this surgery. I will let everyone know after I do it whether it is good or not!
Hello, I am new to the web site and I would like to know if nayone has had the amniotic membrane surgery? I am going to have the surgery next month with Dr. Tseng and would like to know what to expect. I have severe dry eye and redness that has haunted me for about two years. I have had a pingueculea removed and been diagnosed with blepharitis. I have been using the tea tree essential oil weekly along with the tea tree shampoo every day twice daily. When I had the pingueculea removed I developed some wrinkling of the conjunctiva and now I am contemplating surgery. I would like to know if anyone has had success with this surgery. I will let everyone know after I do it whether it is good or not!