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A Regimen That Works!!

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  • A Regimen That Works!!

    From lurking to delurking and now to triumph, it’s only taken me about five months to assemble a regimen that has served me well for the past three weeks straight. I feel confident enough to post in this section because I am sure that if I keep my routine up, I’ll have way more good days than bad.

    My visit with Dr. Hector in Bradenton went very well on Friday. He knew all about this board and said that if I stick with my current routine, I will probably have zero staining on my corneas at my next visit (in 6 months).

    I think all of this speaks to the effectiveness of this board as a whole. I have to second what LasikLady said in one of her posts, that if she had relied solely on the advice of her three doctors, there is no way she would be where she is today. THIS BOARD ROCKS!!

    Here is what helped me in no particular order (I am post-LASIK / had it in January of 2008):

    1) Supplements. If you want my specific regimen, please PM me. It is a lot of pills, taken three times a day, but I am sure it has bumped me up in the comfort department. Also, be patient with supplements – it can take months for your body to begin to use them.

    2) Olive oil. I apply it around my eyes after my warm compresses in the mornings and evenings.

    3) Dwelle. Once I gave up on the fruitless drugstore drops, I went on Dwelle exclusively. While it wasn’t a magic bullet, it STOPPED the BURNING, which was huge. I only have to use Dwelle once at night now! No dropping during the day!!

    4) Hot compresses and Dr. L’s gland expressions (2x a day).

    5) Water. I drink 80+ ounces of water every day. As soon as I wake in the morning I chug an entire glass of water and I believe that sets the hydration tone for the day.

    6) Diet control. I eat tuna fish 4x a week and salmon at dinner whenever possible. I also eat carrots religiously (over a cup a day) and as many veggies as I can get. I never drink soda and rarely eat sweets. Yes, I am that jerk at the office birthday parties who refuses a slice of hydrogenated-oil-laden cake but jimmy crack corn, and I don’t care!

    7) And I think I owe this following tip to autumnN and Hangus – Stay off of this board if you are looking for downer stories, because you WILL find them. You will find plenty of reasons to beat yourself up – whatever the cause of your dry eye – so you eventually have to make a decision to come here only for feedback when devising your plan of action.

    8) De-stressing. Easier said than done, but you don't want to end up in adrenal failure so try to get a handle on your mind now.

    9) Patience. Introduce one thing at a time and give it a real college try before moving onto something else. Otherwise you’ll never know what is working and what is not.

    10) Exercise. Take walks, go to the gym, do sit-ups in front of your TV – any sort of physical activity. This gets the blood going!

    11) Reaching out for help. I started seeing a therapist who steered me away from the brink, and a mild anti-anxiety medication was all I needed to start feeling normal again.

    I'm not disappearing from this board - I just wanted to get the word out that some simple tweaks in your lifestyle may lead you to more "good" eye days than bad, as in my case. I'm going out of town with my husband and another couple in 2 weeks and typically I would have been DREADING a trip out of my 'comfort zone'... BUT I AM ACTUALLY LOOKING FORWARD TO IT!!

    - Rose
    Last edited by Sammy B.; 13-Oct-2009, 08:22. Reason: I think it was Autumn who said she had done more harm than good by researching eyeball stuff 24-7!

  • #2
    Rose, this board rocks, but you do too! Thank you for posting this very thorough and cogent routine!

    P.S. I am jealous that Dr. Hector is your eye doc. I usually go to Fla for a few weeks in the winter and maybe I'll make an appointment.

    Don't trust any refractive surgeon with YOUR eyes.

    The Dry Eye Queen


    • #3
      Thanks Lucy!!

      Dr. Hector was great. It was SO NICE to sit down with someone who is #1 familiar with this board and #2 open to homeopathic things. I thought he would look at me crosseyed when I told him about the olive oil but instead he said he's encouraged people to try it as well as tea tree oil if they have inflammation!

      One other thing - and I emailed Rebecca to let her know this - he said what she was doing by running this board is amazing. The nurse who sat in on my appointment seconded that by saying to me, "It's so nice that you know all of this stuff. You wouldn't believe the people who come in here with their eyes crusted over, then look at us like we're crazy for recommending fish oil...."

      I would really suggest trying to see him when you come into town. Seeing someone who actually gives a hoot does wonders.

      - Rose


      • #4
        Good story Sammy. More evidence of taking responsibility for ones health and lifestyle changes making a big difference! I believe that many on this board could find a solution with drastic changes to their lifestyle and diet much like you describe.


        • #5
          Awesome post!


          • #6
            Forgot one huge nugget of info...

            I forgot to say how big a good night's sleep is for me in this game of dry eye. If I lose sleep for whatever reason (negative thoughts, drank too much, stomach too full from dinner, being in a hotel room and away from my own bed, etc.), my mind and my body the next day suffer immensely. I allow the negative thinking back in and with that comes a bad eye day.

            So, one last tip would be to try to get a good night's sleep whenever possible. It does wonders for my mind and eyes.

            Good luck to all. I hope you eventually find some sort of regimen that works for you too.

            - Rose


            • #7
              Thanks Rose for your post! I like your advice on sleeping, stress, and diet. I am going to work on those areas

