Hi thanks everyone,
gretchin, yes it is was always a mystery to me why it happens (i have posted about it many times, i havent heard from anyone too similar, making me think noone has the same prob causing there dry eye, which makes me think theres no chance in anything helping me).
Bascially i figured out what it is happening, its very logical actually. My blood vessels (innereyelids) are enlarged, inflammed etc (just like blood vessles in rosacea). The chrnoic inflammation is a reaction from the body to try to heal something (but the the vessles cant be healed because they are damaged- from contact lense wear im pretty sure), But when another acute problem is happening in the body, the natural reaction of the body is to leave the chronic problem and concentrate most efforts on the acute problem, therefore inflammation goes away for the time being (but always returns).
There apears the be nothing else in the body causing it etc, the damaged vessles appear to be seperate... I have tried many options of diet, acupuncture, strict diets for MONTHs avoiding anything remotely bad helped IBS symptoms, but as soon as those symptoms subsided, my eyes felt awful again. So it really is help one and live with another.
Micheal, thankyou for the suggestion..The pain meds.. antidepressants is an option, however around the time my eyes went dry i was on this (although more likely cause was something else), so im afraid ever since to go on antidepressants. The tryicalics are supposed to be more drying as well? What is the situation with your eyes, what are symptoms and how do you find antid's help with them?
Medical majarunia takes pain away but makes dryness worse
Thankyou irish eyes and odynous for the kind words its good to hear from you both
If i hadnt met him i would have been very depressed about the IPL, so im glad something good came of the trip.
gretchin, yes it is was always a mystery to me why it happens (i have posted about it many times, i havent heard from anyone too similar, making me think noone has the same prob causing there dry eye, which makes me think theres no chance in anything helping me).
Bascially i figured out what it is happening, its very logical actually. My blood vessels (innereyelids) are enlarged, inflammed etc (just like blood vessles in rosacea). The chrnoic inflammation is a reaction from the body to try to heal something (but the the vessles cant be healed because they are damaged- from contact lense wear im pretty sure), But when another acute problem is happening in the body, the natural reaction of the body is to leave the chronic problem and concentrate most efforts on the acute problem, therefore inflammation goes away for the time being (but always returns).
There apears the be nothing else in the body causing it etc, the damaged vessles appear to be seperate... I have tried many options of diet, acupuncture, strict diets for MONTHs avoiding anything remotely bad helped IBS symptoms, but as soon as those symptoms subsided, my eyes felt awful again. So it really is help one and live with another.
Micheal, thankyou for the suggestion..The pain meds.. antidepressants is an option, however around the time my eyes went dry i was on this (although more likely cause was something else), so im afraid ever since to go on antidepressants. The tryicalics are supposed to be more drying as well? What is the situation with your eyes, what are symptoms and how do you find antid's help with them?
Medical majarunia takes pain away but makes dryness worse

Thankyou irish eyes and odynous for the kind words its good to hear from you both
