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  • V-i-c-t-o-r-y

    I hope this will be my last post. I've had inflammed lids, particularly my right eye for 9 months. One day I had severe twitching and then the watery eye started. My eye dr. said I had MGD. On one of my checkups about a month after my eye started watering I asked if I could have a blocked tear duct b/c of the constant watering and he right away said no -- that wasn't my problem. So over the last 9 months I've spent hundreds of dollars on eye drops, scrubs, different vitamins and supplements, doxycycline in addition to doing the warm compresses twice a day, thinking my glands were the problem. (I do have rosacea so I thought it was causing this problem) It has dominated my life because I could hardly do anything without my eye watering, and also my eye has twitched off and on consistently. So a few weeks ago at a checkup my eye dr. finally said he would do a tear duct probe with saline to see if I had blockage but he didn't think that was the problem, and it was scheduled for yesterday. (And I really don't know why he didn't think that was my problem) He was stumped because I've never had any pain, burning, etc. He said most people with dry eye do. Another reason why you would think he would suspect a blocked tear duct.

    When he squirted the solution the first 2 times I didn't feel anything, and then all of a sudden I felt a bump of pressure and then I felt the saline in my throat. So he finished and said just to keep doing the warm compresses and eye drops and doxy, and I'm sure he was thinking I didn't have blockage in the first place since I felt the saline in my throat. Well, ever since I walked out of his office (about 36 hours ago) my eye has not watered one second, nor have I had twitching. This is amazing compared to what I have been thru in the last 9 months. I think when I felt that pressure I had some kind of blockage flushed away. And all this time I have been thinking I had a form of dry eye. I don't think so now.

    My husband doesn't want me to talk about it too much because he thinks I'll jinx it. He said if my eye hasn't watered by this time next week, then I can say the problem is solved.

    I am upset that if he had done this procedure when I first asked about it 8 months ago, it sure would have saved me alot of time and money and energy and emotion. But I'm so happy to have a normal eye again.
    Last edited by catlover; 08-Jan-2010, 19:42.

  • #2
    Catlover! This is great news! Congrats!

    - Rose


    • #3
      I do so understand what your husband meant when he said you might `jinx it'.

      I have those same thoughts myself - so when things feel good, I just try and enjoy the moment. (Sounds cheesy I know but I still do it!!)

      Let's hope you continue to do well.

