You name it, I've tried it. A few things seemed to help at first, then gradually made my eye symptoms worse. It's so darn exhausting to live with the continuing symptoms day after day. All my opthalmologist would do is give me another steroid or antibiotic to use, so I finally stopped going to her. BTW, should mention I also have lower eye plugs. One day when at my dermatologist for another matter, I poured out my frustration about my eyes to him. He gave me a mild cortisone cream to calm the inflammation, then told me to use Mimyx cream at least morning and night on my lid margins. Coincidentally, the same day I was at the grocer's getting new face cream and the lady said she heard someone recommend CeraVe. On a whim I bought CeraVe hydrating cleanser, and started using it to clean my face and eyes. Using the Mimyx and CeraVe cleanser have decreased my symptoms by 80%, and somedays even more. I also stopped using all drops except Unisol, which is the only drop that has never irritated my eye, but unfortunately didn't alleviate dry eye symptoms for more than a few minutes. After cleansing my face and eyes with CeraVe, I flush them with Unisol, then apply the Mimyx - both morning and night. I will occasionally put another drop of Unisol in my eyes during the day. I hope this helps someone else find some relief.
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Mimyx and CeraVe
Mimyx cream update
I apologize that I have not provided an update to my previous post about Mimyx. It has been over a year, and the Mimyx cream continues to help my eyes. If I forget to use it, I can notice a difference within one half hour. I carry a sample tube in my purse so as not to be without it. I also continue to use the Cerave for cleaning my eyes. Recently I added FreshKote (two weeks) to my routine as the Unisol seemed to be becoming more and more short-lived for my eye surface dryness. It has helped some, but I am beginning to feel the slight burning which I'm sure is related to the preservative. As long as the burning does not get worse, I'll continue to use it, but in past experience I have found this to only get worse with other products. BTW, I also continue to flush/clean my eyes with Unisol before I do anything else in the morning. Mimyx cream is far and away the best product I've used.