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  • update??

    ok guys, So all my health problems had disappeared for a while (eyes/skin/tummy/scalp itching..etc) and I was busy living my life and stuff. I dont know if is the oracea that im taking, or the fact that Im not at home as much (im sure an allergic reaction keeps triggering my problem) that has helped me. Yesterday i completely pigged out on everything and today im having weird allergic reactions again after so much time with no problems.

    I had IPL with dr yee and it was absolutely useless, he didnt even bother to check my glands and just did my cheeks. They were worried about the money the whole time .. so Im seeing dr toyos again for a check up.

    things that have helped me...

    flax seed oil, not touching my eyes, IPL, oracea, avoiding my house.

    I saw my aunt from Scotland yesterday and when I told her about my problem she said "oh me too, I have rosacea, and dry eye.. is miserable" She had been flying throughout Europe and left today for South America, so the flights were killing her eyes.

    She told me to try artificial tears..

    haha well at least my eyes have been doing great, hope it lasts because It felt awesome to have a life again.

  • #2
    Great to hear that your eyes are doing good!! So you went from absolute pain and misery to feeling fine in a just a few IPL sessions? That sounds amazing.

