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Hope for severe light sensitivity and pain

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  • Hope for severe light sensitivity and pain

    Hope for severe light sensitivity and pain

    I don't have much time right now, but quickly I will tell you that I was a "bag lady" -- I was so light sensitive I had to wear a black bag over my head even though I was on 20 prescription pills (including high doses of Lyrica (300mg), Carbomezipine(600 mg), Gabapentin (2400 mg), Baclofen(40 mg), and Hydrocodone (3 times a day) a day to try to control the pain. Contact Boston Foundation for sight. I was helped through them -- Scleral lenses helped some, but new machine called scrambler therapy helped a lot - I am off all pills and no longer a "bag lady". there is better chance for success with early treatment, but i heard of patients helped also who had the disorder a long time. They will decide what treatment is right for each individual patient. These treatments are for severe light-sensitivity and pain caused by corneal neuralgia. (Actually, the scleral lens treats many disorders, the scrambler therapy treats corneal neuralgia specifically -- they used the scleral lens on me first, and then when I was still going downhill even though I had the scleral lens, they gave me scrambler treatment.) Most opthomologists have not even heard of this disorder, but the Boston Foundation for Sight knows it and treats it. When I get time, I will have to share my whole story, but for mean-time, I only have time to get out this word for whoever may be out there and may need help fast.

    Because of God leading me to them
    (I placed this by accident in pro-corner, so now I am placing this here)

  • #2
    I too was led to the Boston Foundation for Sight by the Lord. He even worked it out where my insurance covered the entire cost!
    I have been wearing the lenses now for over two weeks and my eyes no longer burn with pain.
    Prayer truly was the door that opened this miracle for me. Read Isaiah 58: 8-9
    It is awesome to see others give the glory to the Lord Jesus who is the Great Physician.
    Thank-you eyecansee for sharing your story


    • #3
      Important Additional Note

      To anyone who has severe light-sensitivity and eye pain, I would suggest telling your doctor that there is an article for opthomologists about diagnosis of corneal neuralgia that they could read called "Corneal Pain without Stain - is it Real?" Then they could refer patients that they think have corneal neuralgia to the Boston Foundation for Sight.

      may God lead you and help you as He has me,


      • #4
        Sorry for party pooping, but true hope is where people are enabled to help themselves.

        Because not everyone has insurance. (me)
        Because not everyone can easily get to Boston. (me)

        That's also why I'm frustrated that the Cosmodic-Modific (which is "self-serve") isn't much less expensive,
        ...nor does it generate stem cells (useless to those with depleted stems),
        ...nor does it offer a pic of the human body's progress (or non-progress) the way perhaps Biomeridian or SCIO or other such systems do.

        That's also why I'm frustrated that the German clinic which offers stem cell treatment to people with macular degeneration isn't in my back yard (as if i could afford it anyway). After all, I'm a near clone of my dad, who currently has advanced macular degeneration (the dry kind).

        Bottom line:
        Zillions of sufferers need TRUE miracles, no different than our rapidly degenerating political, economical, and environmental world situation requires TRUE miracles.

        PLEASE, PLEASE, God, help us all!!
        Please replace all phony medical, political, economical, & environmental practitioners with GENUINE healing, GENUINE politicians, GENUINE economists & GENUINE environmental agencies.
        (also please replace all superficial, misguided, conclusion-drawing with telepathic communication.)
        Thanks in advance,
        ..from a genuine sufferer
        Last edited by Minni; 10-Aug-2010, 02:15.
        CHEERIO! HELIO! Dry Eye Minni


