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On my way to total recovery

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  • On my way to total recovery

    My situation is improving steadily every week. Whereas only a few months ago every day was worse than the last, now every week is better than the last.

    I use my computer nearly all day with little problem. I even play some games on my PC which I thought wasn't possible anymore. Just completed a 40-50 hours-long game, which made me very, very, very happy. Only a few months ago I wondered if it would ever be possible anymore.

    Granted, I had a very specific problem which was the cause of this dry eye and extreme inner eyelid inflammation. I know most people's problems are very hard to pinpoint, and nothing is more frustrating than to face a problem that seems to nebulous and intractable.

    I also know that reading about someone else's successes when you're in nigh total despair and in constant pain can be only obnoxious. That's why I would like to talk about what helped me get better on top of the treatment for the resurging of my prolactinoma.

    On top of that I decided to take my nutrition very seriously. I found out that ultimately drops are of little use. Your eyes are never going to truly like having chemicals on them no matter how soothing or well adapted they are. Granted there are those who need them, but I now think that using nutrition is a better idea. It might not be a surefire method, but everyone benefits in some way.

    Here is what I take:

    -2 1000mg gel caps of Fish oil, two times a day. I take Super Omega fish oil from Fortifeye. I searched a lot and this looks like the highest quality fish oil available on the market. I feel better with it than with the other brands I used.

    -Fortifeye Complete Plus. Having a high-quality multivitamin cannot hurt. Again I searched far and wide, and Fortifeye Complete Plus had the most interesting list of ingredients. Its antioxidants are of a really high quality, and the vitamin itself is very pure, devoid of the crap fillers found in most vitamins. Again it proved to be very soothing and it improved my overall health a lot. Dr. Michael Lange takes his research very seriously and it shows. I'd trust someone who is an eye professional and dealt with many chronic dry eye patients to come up with a good vitamin for them.

    -3 1000mg gel caps of high lignan Flaxseed oil 2 times a day.

    -1 500mg black current seed oil gep cap, 2 times a day, to get a good source of GLA acid.

    -1 1000IU of Vitamin D, 2 times a day. There is already 1000IU of Vitamin D in the two Fortifeye Complete Plus caplets that one has to take in a day, however for someone like me who stays indoors and lives in Canada, having more Vitamin D does me good.

    -8mg of astaxanthin, 2 times a day.

    Astaxanthin has proven itself to be the biggest help of all, by far. I was stunned, it literally halved the pain I felt, and it only got better as I upped the dosage.

    From what I could gather astaxanthin is completely safe to take at high dosages, you only get diminishing returns at some point. It is extremely efficient at reducing eye and lid pain, and it acts in a very gentle, soothing manner in the whole body.

    I highly, highly recommend people to try it. I buy it from Swanson Vitamins' website as they have the best price for it (8$ for 60 4mg gel caps). Begin with 2 4mg gel caps a day, and then try to see if you benefit by taking a bit more.

    And finally I try to eat better, which means less carbs, more meat, more vegetables and fruits, and as many sources of antioxidants as possible. Antioxidants have a soothing effect and help reduce inflammation.

    Finally, I'd advise not to neglect your general health. Get yourself tested from every possible angle. Don't let things linger. I'd suggest seeing an endocrynologist and get thorough blood testing done.

    Well I can only hope that some of it will prove helpful to someone.

    I must admit I had trouble coming back here because it's so sad to read about people in chronic pain who are always at the end of their rope, and I ended up feeling too bad for them, and too helpless.

    However I am now persuaded that there exist ways to at least soothe the pain for everyone. Nutrition seems like the best bet to me. After all, other methods are artificial. If possible, by giving the body all that it needs, and helping it learn how to take care of itself, it will probably be able to regenerate itself eventually.

  • #2
    Great post Roderick! So glad to hear you're doing better. Although I haven't been taking all of the supplements that you are taking, when I follow a diet that is similar to what you describe, I am amazed at the improvements in how I feel overall, plus my MG's improve significantly.

    If it weren't for Dr. L. mentioning diet in his book, I never would have seriously considered it. But then again, if we use dietary changes to help conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol etc., then why not consider dietary changes for other issues also? There are potential biochemical pathways to potentially explain why some of these dietary changes might be helpful... interesting stuff...


    • #3
      Roderick, great post.

      Interesting how turning your diet upside down, detoxing and finding some quality supplements that work for you really help your body fix the problem, isn't it? I think this is key.

      Also believe that by improving ones diet and supplementing, this allows in many cases your hormone metabolism to balance itself! This is key as well.


