Ok, so it's only been about two weeks but hey I've spent 36 years wishing for a better way to deal with my dry eye. I thank Rebbecca for sponsoring this site that not only inspired me to take better care of my eyes but also provided practical, don't break the bank ways to deal with the day to day, minute to minute issues of dry eye. I experienced a big boost in comfort about ten years ago, after cutting back on greasy ointments and using more drops. But the drops dry so fast and leave gritty crud around in my eyes that just looks and feels so lovely. ick! I've tried other wrap around sports glasses but none fit as snugly as the 7 eyes products. Now with a full moisture seal, I can put in just the right amount of drops and forget about my eyes for a few minutes at least.
Fewer drops also means cleaner eyes for me. AT NIGHT WHEN i fall into bed, snuggle under the covers, and realize, "oh darn! I forgot to cover my eyes!" I can now reach for my Onix goggles. Whoohoo, no more fiddling with little bits of plastic wrap that never seem to stay on without, you guessed it, more goop.
It's still not a perfect world. I seem to spend as much time fiddling with my eyes as I do eating. At least now the result is greater comfort and cleaner feeling eyes. I was inspired to mention my success because I experienced a moment of panick. My eyes were stinging. i realized they were dry after days of feeling pretty good. It dawned on me that I had taken off the glasses during a phone conference at work. I had a little trouble wearing glasses, head phones to listen to my screen reader, and hkeep the phone close enough to my ear to listen to the conference. No problem, I added a few drops, replaced the glasses and I was back in business. No more letting my eyes dry out so much that it takes days to recover from the damage!

It's still not a perfect world. I seem to spend as much time fiddling with my eyes as I do eating. At least now the result is greater comfort and cleaner feeling eyes. I was inspired to mention my success because I experienced a moment of panick. My eyes were stinging. i realized they were dry after days of feeling pretty good. It dawned on me that I had taken off the glasses during a phone conference at work. I had a little trouble wearing glasses, head phones to listen to my screen reader, and hkeep the phone close enough to my ear to listen to the conference. No problem, I added a few drops, replaced the glasses and I was back in business. No more letting my eyes dry out so much that it takes days to recover from the damage!