Hello to all my fellow dry eye sufferers. It has been 4 years since I discovered the reason for my dry eyes: Candida yeast infection.
I have been away from this forum for quite a while but I owe it to other sufferers from this malady to share hope.
Around 2007, when I was at my wits end, and after spending 3 years of suffering and thousands of dollars I came up with information about the symptoms of chronic yeast infection, one being dry eyes. I was skeptical at the beginning since I thought that LASIK was the cause, but I figured I had nothing to loose so I started an anti candida diet and supplement regime. The recovery took time and there where occasions when I wondered if it was really working. Little by little I enjoyed more prolonged seasons of non dry eyes
until around a year ago, gone, finally, no more dry eyes!!!!!
. Unbelievable!!!
I cannot state that this condition is the culprit of all the different dry eye manifestations, but I really hope that this encourages you to explore the alternative and find out if this is your case.
I really wish you the best and good eye health
I have been away from this forum for quite a while but I owe it to other sufferers from this malady to share hope.
Around 2007, when I was at my wits end, and after spending 3 years of suffering and thousands of dollars I came up with information about the symptoms of chronic yeast infection, one being dry eyes. I was skeptical at the beginning since I thought that LASIK was the cause, but I figured I had nothing to loose so I started an anti candida diet and supplement regime. The recovery took time and there where occasions when I wondered if it was really working. Little by little I enjoyed more prolonged seasons of non dry eyes

I cannot state that this condition is the culprit of all the different dry eye manifestations, but I really hope that this encourages you to explore the alternative and find out if this is your case.
I really wish you the best and good eye health
